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In a lovely mansion located just next to a mountain lives their young mistress, Sarah Jones Duchannon. When she was born, she never have seen her father's face, ony knowing her mother Margarrett Wilter Dianne. Sarah was told that her father had abandonned pregnant Margarrett for that he didn't want to take care of them. Rumors and scandals were told around about Sarah's father. Her mother had no intention of ever wanting to make her daughter stressed but she was infact.

Margarrett was very famous in her country of being a magnificent  coach to all fencing students. Nominated world championships for almost every tournament she battled in. Their ways of games are very brutal since all fights end with someone dying, yes, that is how they determine their winnings. The only games that doesn't require death and blood is when someone is sick, tie game, opposite opponent does not show up, or just that the judges say so.

During her younger years, Sarah was taught advancing skills mostly relevant in the studies of education. Sarah earned many recognitions in her classes, school, clubs, and extracurricular activities. Once she had turn 8, her mother made the choice of teaching her daughter how to fence just like her. 

Sarah turned 13 and is now a teenager, therefore her mother held a very fancy ball just for Sarah. The nearly the whole town and neighboring towns came to congratulate mostly Margarrett for having a splendid child instead of what the actual meaning of the ball is suppose to be, celebrating Sarah Jones Duchannon's 13 birthdate. Welp poor ol' Sarah was done with this shit. She hated everything, disliked her gifts that the people unknown to her gave, and had to always put a smile on her face even through the utter most hatred she held inside of herself.

In her gown and accessories she had piled up an unbearingly amount of hate, that she couldn't contain in herself anymore so she fled into the mountains. Sarah ran as fast as she could, dodging the branches and snares set up incase of any wildlife attacked. Faster and faster and faster, she then stopped to catch her breath, to see that her gown was awfully torn, her hair in tangles, turned around to see her mansion so tiny in the distance. She sat down, on the ground, in the cold emptiness, just gazing off. Wolf howls filled the air and that was enough to make Sarah scared for her life, but Sarah didn't want to turn back to the same direction she ran up here. Instead, Sarah walked in search for a living area or if at all, a cave she could shelter herself in.

Few snapped branches were heard the branches were also around her area. Her heart started pounded faster, louder. And with that Sarah took off running frantically in search of shelter. With no caution, Sarah tripped and fell, causing her head to hit a rock. Luckily the rock wasn't sharp or something, or else she would've bled to death. Sarah didn't pass out yet, but some strange figure in the dark knelt down towards her, the hand reached out, having no energy within her, she just breathed and knocked out. Not knowing what happens to her.


Hello fellow readers, this is the new story I have been wanting to write and here it is. I don't know whether for my old book, the BTS one either to delete it or update but not as priority.

Mistress Sarah Jones DuchannonWhere stories live. Discover now