Chapter 2: 'The New Member'

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Third Person P.O.V :
As soon as Sarah regained caution, a quarrel broke out of whether to keep the wolf or not. "No way that the beast is going to stay within the walls of this cottage! No way."
"But come on, it's practically harmless towards us." as Raymond pleads.
"No, and no means no for me. If you want this- this thing, fine. But you live with him. Keep me out of this." With this final note, Sarah returned back into the kitchen to finish the meal.
Raymond tried to urge himself to thank her but his wits said, 'It would be better if I stay happy and silent about it, or else she might change her mind.' The wolf and Raymond soon grew accustomed to each other as the firewood crackles in front of them, as the darkness consume the sky.

Time Skip

"Dinner's ready boys!" as Sarah call from the kitchen. The fresh smell of  delicious meal seeped through the cracks of Raymond's cottage. Soon enough, the two buddies came running in the kitchen to dig in.
Raymond gave a compliment, "Sure smells good." but Sarah didn't really bother with him and just rolled her eyes.
'Jeez, at least say thank you when someone gives a compliment.' The wolf pranced in, after Raymond, sniffing the dishes that were placed in the kitchen. Raymond looked down at it. "Hey, shouldn't he get something to eat too?"
"Doesn't wolves go hunting though?"
"Yeah, but no. This isn't a wild one, just your daily normal house pet."
"That's a predator. A PREDATOR, what are you thinking?"
"Come on, give the doggo some love." The wolf looked up at them, confused at the conversation. Finally the wolf grew tired of their bullshit and pranced out of the cottage. "Look what you did. You scared the poor fellow."
"That's it. If you want to be so close with him, fine. Leave then."
When Sarah said that, Raymond froze, not knowing what had just happened. Adjusted his tee, walked up towards Sarah. "Hey, hey what are you doing?" 'Does he not know personal space? I can smell his fucking cologne.'
A husky low voice comes out of Raymond, "Look, if you are going to make rules in my place, get out. This is my territory." With that, a grumpy Raymond walks off, leaving a frightened Sarah behind.

Another Time Skip

First Person P.O.V, Wolf :
I was walking out of the cottage, they really didn't think I understood the human language, but unfortunately, I did. I just went out to mind my own business when the guy came out.
"Hey little fella, sorry for what happened back there." as the guy pointed towards the direction of the cottage.
All I did was look away and continue trotting towards the forest. Outside was pitch black, I kind of liked this but the guy didn't. I could tell that he was having difficulty seeing, which kind of made me grin. While I kept of trotting away, I heard him say, "Yo wait up dude!" from behind. But I didn't wait up for him, "I mean it's no use talking to you since you can't understand us, right?" He kept on asking and asking questions that I became annoyed so I turned around and growled at him. 'Gosh fucking damn. Can you shut the hell up?! Do you even know that you're annoying?' Of course, I should've known better. The guy froze in place, wide eyed, and started to back away from me. 'Oh great, now it looks like I'm the culprit.' "Whoa, easy there fella." One of his hands was still holding onto the rock while the other one had been held out like if he was trying to stop me. So I turned around and continued to go back deeper into the dark woods. The guy, he followed me. Meanwhile, I climbed onto the tallest rock I saw sticking out from the mountain, perched on it, and howled.

I am so sorry I haven't updated in so long. It was a draft for so long... Anyways, I finally found a wifi place and I left it short cuz I don't have my notebook with me. For those who didn't know, I'm visiting and is in Portland, Oregon. Where I live there's no wifi. I'll be back at L.A on the 27

_This is yo trashy author signing the retirement paper

Mistress Sarah Jones DuchannonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora