Chapter 1

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"Jesus, Luke."

Michael was shocked.

"I know, I know. But really, I'm fine, okay. It's just a little bruise."

"A little bruise? Dude, that's a literal black eye!"

Luke sighed. "Please, can we just not talk about it? I'm fine."

And it's not like anyone else is gonna be surprised with my reputation, he mumbled under his breath.

"I heard that, you know," Michael said. He took a deep breath. "Look, I'm sorry. You don't- you don't deserve this."

Luke stayed silent.

"I don't suppose I could convince you to go to the cops?" Michael asked, hopefully.

"Fuck off."

"That's what I thought," he said as he turned the ignition on and began the drive to school.

Luke laid his head on the window and looked outside. He saw the bright blue sky, no clouds to be seen, and the bright colors of the flowers as Michael drove.

He felt his eyes become droopy and slowly drifted off.

I guess I can take a nap. God knows I didn't sleep much last night.

"Luke, buddy, we're here."

Luke woke up, confused by his surroundings.

Oh right. School. He really didn't want to deal with people making snide remarks about his bruises today, but he managed to pull himself together and get out of Michael's crappy car.

"Luke, -I"

Luke sighed. "It's fine Michael, really. I'm fine."

But he wasn't.

Michael laid off him, and Luke kept his head down, making his way to class.

But of course today would be the day he ran into Liam.

"Where do you think you're going without say sorry?" he said with a slight smile on his face. Liam pushed Luke against the lockers.

He inwardly cringed; that hit some of his sore spots from the day before.

"'M sorry," Luke mumbled, keeping his head down.

Liam forced Luke to look at him, "Look. At. Me. Now what did you say?"

Luke, seething with anger, said, "I'm sorry."

Liam punched him in the gut and walked away.

What a jerk.

The late bell rang, and Luke ran, knowing he was going to be late.

He opened the door to his classroom, and everyone's eyes drew to him.

"Mr. Hemmings, you're late," said his teacher, disappointment lacing her voice.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

Jeez am I tired of apologizing this morning.

"See me after class for your detention."

Luke sighed, walking to the back of the class, hearing the whispers about his bruises on the way.

"Well I heard he got them because he's in a gang."

"No, no he got the bruises because he owes his drug dealer money."

"No, he is a drug dealer and he got arrested."

That one made him laugh silently. But he needed to convince his teacher to not give him the detention. His dad would kill him if he was late again.

She droned on during class about biology and evolution and Luke very well almost fell asleep of boredom.

Finally, the bell rang. Luke approached her desk.

"Mrs. Johnson?"

"Hmm? Oh. Luke. Here's your detention," she deadpanned, handing him the slip.

"Yeah, um, I was wondering if there was any way to not have a detention?"

She sighed, "Luke. You came in late. And-"

"No, I know. Actions have consequences. But I can't stay after school. My-my dad. He'd kill me. I can come before, or any other time but please. Work with me." Luke was desperate.

She looked at him, almost pitifully. "Lucas," she said softly. "I can't bend the rules for you. Then I'd have the bend the rules for everyone."

Luke scowled, and grabbing the detention slip he snarled, "It's Luke. Not Lucas."

A/N: idk this kinda came to me?? I was having a writing day I guess. Don't expect this to update often

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