Chapter 10

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"Hey Lukey, you ready for our date tonight? I'm really excited, if you couldn't tell!" Ashton was practically bouncing off the walls.

Luke laughed softly as they walked down the hall to their lockers. "Yeah, I'm excited for tonight, Ash. And let me guess: it's a surprise?"

Ashton nodded vigorously.

"I've learned to stop asking and just roll with it. I'll see you later babe I gotta get to bio."

Luke gave him a quick peck on the cheek and turned to leave. As he approached his classroom though, he ran into Liam. Well, more like Liam ran into him, shoving Luke against the lockers.

Luke looked down, trying to avoid a fight. "What do you want, Liam?"

"For you to stop acting so gay around everyone, Hemmings," he snarled.

Kinda hard, considering I am gay, Luke thought to himself.

"What did you just say to me faggot?"

Shit, I meant to say that in my head.

"Uh, nothing. I'm sorry. I'll stay out of your sight," he added quietly.

The warning bell rang.

Liam gave him one last look, shoving him. "This isn't over, Henmings."

Luke sighed in relief and headed to class. The day was pretty boring, but that was probably because he was so excited for his date with Ashton. They were nearing their 3 month anniversary, but every moment with Ashton was just as amazing as the first.

"So what should I wear?" Luke asked his boyfriend, trying to get details about the date out of him on their way home.

"Just bring your cute self. It doesn't matter." Ashton smirked.

"Ugh, I just want a hint!" Luke pleaded.

"Your hint is that I love you." Ashton said, whispering in Luke's ear.

Luke laughed and shoved him away. "I love you too, you dork."

"Hey, are you sure you're going to be okay? You can come over earlier if you want." Ashton's eyes glazed over with concern and their playful conversation was apparently over.

Luke looked down. "I'll be fine," he said forcefully. "I've dealt with it this long without you knowing, so please can we just go back to nothing being wrong."

Ashton looked hesitant, but let it go. He knew now wasn't the time to push Luke. "See you at 6?"

Luke nodded. "See you at 6." Luke waved goodbye to Ashton and went inside. His dad wasn't home yet, which was good.

Luke hung out for a bit, listening to music before he got ready for his date.


He finally decided that he'd wear nice skinny jeans and a button up.

Just then, Ashton knocked on his door.

"You look amazing," Luke said, looking at his boyfriend.

He was wearing jeans and a band tee. Nothing special, but to Luke it was everything.

"Right back at you, Lukey. Now come on!" He grabbed Luke's hand and pulled him into the car.

They drove around for a bit before stopping. "Where are we, Ash?"

"You'll see!"

Ashton ran out the car, quickly pulling Luke behind him.

"Ta da!" Ashton said proudly. "Do you like it? I-"

"I love it." Luke was awestruck. Ashton had set up a picnic under the stars for them. How more romantic could it get?

Luke ran to kiss Ashton. "This is literally the nicest thing anyone has ever done in the history of life."

Ashton giggled. "Sure."

So, the boys laid on their picnic blanket, looking up at the stars in the sky, wondering how they could've gotten so lucky.

After a while of silence, Luke spoke up.

"I love you."

Ashton turned his head to look at the blonde boy. His eyes were focused on the stars, and the moonlight was reflecting off of his skin. He looked beautiful.

"I love you too."

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