Chapter 7

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After a few weeks of romance, they finally said that they loved each other. It was in the middle of a fight.

Ashton was angry because Luke had gotten pushed around by Liam, and wouldn't tell anyone.

"Luke, just go to the principal, he'll take care of it! The school is supposed to have a 0 tolerance to bullying policy. You're gonna get yourself killed!"

"Oh, you're one to talk, smoking those cancer sticks! I'll tell the principal if you quit it with the cigarettes Ashton."

"That's complexly different, you don't want to get beat up by Liam. I want to smoke. Why the hell do you even care if I do, anyway?"

"I care because I love you, you idiot!"

There was a pause of angry silence, and Luke realized what he had just said.


Ashton looked at him, speaking in a softer tone. "You what?"

No turning back now.

"I love you. And-and it's okay if you don't-"

Ashton ran into Luke's arms, kissing him with every fiber of his being. "Of course I love you back you moron."

They made out, kissing until Ashton moaned. "Luke, I want you to fuck me."

"Are you sure?"

"Fuck me, goddamnit."

They had sex that night too, the first of many, many nights.

That time was the best of Luke's life. Liam had been leaving Luke alone, for the most part, he had been able to avoid his dad, and hanging out with Michael and Ashton had been amazing. He finally felt like he belonged.

Ashton and Luke had been dating for 2 months and 24 days when that happiness came to an end.

It was December, and Michael was out of town for some concert. He was going to see his favorite band, and Luke was crazy excited for him. Michael, however, was nervous to leave Luke behind, even for a day.

"You call me if he pulls anything. I'll figure out a place for you to stay."

"I will Mikey. But I can handle it for one day. I'll just stay on the down low."

Michael hesitantly accepted this, and went on his way.

Luke walked home from Michael's house, feeling content with life, not knowing that he was out past his curfew. 

He walked inside to find his house smelling like beer and his father sitting angrily on the couch.

"Where the hell were you?"

Luke paled, frozen in place. "I-I was w-walking home."

Luke flinched as his father threw an empty bottle at the wall behind him, sending glass shards flying.

"You're late."

His father stood up, heavy boots stomping their way. Luke could feel his breaths get shallower as he started to panic.

"In this house," he said with an eerie calmness to it, "we punish bad boys who are late."

"I-I'm sorry, it won't ever-"


His father backhanded Luke in the face, and then punched him in the gut.

He punched Luke a few times and kicked him into the shards of glass. Then, he picked Luke up by his hair and threw him out the door, down the steps and on to the concrete.

"Pathetic," his dad said before spitting on Luke and slamming the door.

Luke could hardly move and couldn't see straight. It was too cold to sleep outside, and he didn't even have a jacket on. Michael was out of town, so he couldn't crash there.

Luke went to stand up and then fell back down, feeling dizzy. His ribs felt broken and his arm felt out of socket. He needed medical attention, at least from someone other than himself.


He had an internal debate with himself. Ashton was out of his mess of a life so far, but Luke really needed someone. And, Ashton's house wasn't far from Luke's, only a few blocks.

Ashton would probably have found out about his dad at some point, so the decision was made: he would walk to Ashton's house.

A normally 10 minute walk took about an hour, and it took everything in Luke not to pass out before he got to the door.

He rang the doorbell, feeling his legs give out on him.

Luke heard noise from behind the door, and a brightly smiling Ashton opened it. That smile quickly fell. "Luke! What are you- What happened?"

"I-" and then everything turned black.

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