Chapter 6

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"Do you want to go on a date with me? No, that's too formal. Ashton, go on a date with me. No, that's too direct. Hey, Ash, do you wanna maybe go-"

"What are you doing?"


Luke was practicing how to ask Ashton out in the mirror of the bathroom. He figured no one would come in because he was skipping an assembly and no one else would be around. Apparently, Ashton had the same idea.

"I-uh-nothing?" It came out as more of a question than an answer.

"Luke, I like you. If you want to take me on a date, then just ask," Ashton said with a smirk.

"Okay, then." Luke took a deep breath. "Ashton Irwin, will you go on a date with me?"

"Of course."

Luke couldn't stop a smile from creeping onto his face, making him beam from ear to ear.

To say that he was excited was an understatement.

"Do you want to go see a movie? There's that new superhero one that I know you wanted to see."

Ashton smiled. "You remembered. Yeah, that sounds great. But, how about I pick you up, cause I have a car and you don't."

Luke thought for a second. His dad would be home, so that wouldn't be the best idea.

"Can you pick me up from Michael's house? He's gonna help me get ready."

Ashton laughed. "Sure thing, love. Now, cmon, we have to get back to the assembly before they realize we're gone."


"Michael, what if I fuck it up?"

Luke was standing in front of the mirror at his best friends house, trying nervously to pick out a good outfit.

Right now he was debating between a blink-182 T-shirt or a plain white one with a flannel.

"Luke, you already know that he likes you. You two are dating for Christ's sake! Just, go be yourself. You won't mess it up."

Luke looked down. "But what is he goes on this date with me and realizes that he hates me and wants nothing to do with me?"

Michael stood up to look in the mirror with Luke. "Then his loss. But I promise, that isn't gonna happen. You're much cooler than you give yourself credit for. "

Michael ruffled Luke's hair. "Now, go with the blink shirt. It's a casual look, but you pull it off."

They heard he doorbell ring. "Go ahead lover boy! I want all the details tomorrow."

Luke chuckled at his friend as he ran to the door.

Ashton was beaming, wearing a superhero shirt to represent his favorite in the movie.

What a dork, Luke thought affectionately.

"Let's go! I'm so excited!" Ashton was bouncing up and down as he drove to the theatre.

They held hands the entire length of the movie. And maybe made out a few times when the plot got a little slow.

Ashton walked Luke up to his door. Luke looked to make sure his dad wasn't home (and he wasn't thank god) before turning to Ashton.

"I had an amazing time tonight. D-Do you wanna do it again sometime?"

Ashton kissed Luke on the cheek. "Absolutely."

Luke walked inside his house, happier than he had ever been.

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