Chapter 1

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[After The Ferris Wheel Kiss]

I don't have to get up for school. It's Saturday morning. I'm still in my huge ass bed, surrounded by black chalkboard walls with scrawled thoughts [From the movie: Love Simon]. I twist myself in my blankets and clutch one of my giant gray pillows. The most ridiculous grin stretches across my face. It's impossible to stop smiling. Or daydreaming.

There is only one thing on my mind. Blue. The anonymous boy I had been emailing back and forth for months.

Turns out, Blue was Cute Bram Greenfeld, with soft brown eyes and sexy soccer calves. With his perfect grammar and vertical handwriting. [From the book: Ch10, 17, 27, 23, 32, 33]

And I'm his "shore, worth swimming across the ocean to." I didn't consider myself interesting, until I was interesting to Blue. [Book: Ch3]

I don't see what he sees in me. I'm cynical [Ch7, 32], nosy [Ch6, 11], and have a problem with fragmented sentences [Ch14]. I fuck everything up. A lot.

But he thinks I'm cute. His words play in my head, "If you don't think I'm attracted to you, Simon, you're crazy." [Ch32]

He is perfect.

I think back to the moment that changed my life. The feeling of my heart falling as the Ferris wheel was about to take its last turn for the night. Just like Blue's original post on creeksecrets -- how everyday felt like a ferris wheel -- one minute at the top, the next rock bottom. It's how my heart felt when my last ticket ran out and I felt my life drain out of me with the last downward turn. Then, I remember how Bram suddenly burst through the crowd, to bravely sit next to me. In front of everyone. [LS Movie]

I think back to my frustrated thoughts during rehearsals, when Cal Price stopped in the doorway of the auditorium to give me an inviting smile, as if to say, "I notice you and I like you. What about us?" But I was too hung up on Blue. I remember how anger erupted in my chest and I silently cursed Blue as "a goddamned coward." [Ch27]

But now I know Blue was anything but a coward. He had told me again and again that he wasn't ready to come out. [2xs in LS; even more times in book] He liked to be invisible, staying under the radar. It must have taken a lot of guts to jump through that crowd to publicly join me on the Ferris wheel. Blue came out before he was ready. He came out publicly just because I had been outed. So I wouldn't be alone.

I stare at the ceiling and think how Blue is much more than perfect.

Blue is Bram. And as soon as I saw him cutely and nervously sit next to me in the Ferris wheel, I truly did want to kiss his face off.


And from there, things took off and fell into a comfortable rhythm. Monday through Friday, I would drive to Nick's house; back up into Leah's driveway; off to the Dancing Goat for five iced coffees (two with milk); swing by Abby's elevated stone house; then to the huge two-story, four-column gray house. Leah would get out of the front passenger seat and go around to the back. And my boyfriend Bram would join me in the front seat, greeting me with a "good morning" and a kiss. [LS]

At lunch hour at Creekside, the five of us were joined by Nick and Bram's soccer friend Garrett. Little seemed to change. It was still the three soccer stars on one side of the table and Abby, Leah, then me on the other side. Only Bram took Nick's seat across from me and Nick took Garrett's seat across from Abby. Bram and I fell into a routine and the days flew by too quickly.

Life was perfect. Too perfect. I didn't realize how good I had it. I know I took the time we had for granted. I should have known that my Disney fairy tale wouldn't have a "happily ever after."


Author's note: This chapter is setting the scene and summarizing events and quotes from the movie and a few from the book to bridge this story into my story. Where the movie contradicts the book, I will generally be following the movie. This story functions as if "Leah on the Offbeat" did not occur. Thanks for your votes and comments! Hope you enjoy!

*Updated: To add references to movie [LS] and book [Ch]

But Simon, Sometimes Life Is Blue [A Sequel to Love Simon]Where stories live. Discover now