Ch. 2 - Independent ass bitch (falls on her face)

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"Ok, so these are your lockers, just use your code to open them and you should be good. As for your textbooks, you're gonna want to pick those up at the library after school", Eleanor explains, as the boys attempt to open their lockers, which conveniently are right next to each other.

How the hell did they pull that off ?

As Eleanor continues being Wilson High's very own welcoming committee, I attempt to sneak off, in hopes that they won't notice. I'd much rather be dealing with class right about now and I can always find my locker later. 

"Wait, Violet! Let me see your schedule! We're comparing", Eleanor yells, right as I'm about to turn a corner, towards the art building.

Fuck. I huff in frustration but ultimately walk back to her, handing her my schedule. I make sure to stand as far away from the guys as possible without making it too obvious. I keep my eyes wandering around the halls, feigning interest for every colorful extracurricular poster, filling the walls.

"Oh! We all have Government for 6th! Oh wait, aw, Phoenix doesn't", She pouts at him and I swear I see a slight blush, warming his freckled cheeks.

I bite back a smile. I should've seen that coming. El is much too adorable for her own good sometimes.

"But Vi and I do have Ceramics with you Phoenix!" Eleanor continues, keeping the positivity alive, "Oh, and Sebastián, looks like you have the same 1st and 2nd period as Violet". She glances over at me, slight worry embedded in her features.

"What?" I ask incredulously, peeking over her shoulders, scrutinizing the two schedules, comparing. Three classes!? Seriously?

I take a deep breath, calming myself. My hands slightly shaking at my sides. I clench them into fists, to regain control.

It's fine. I'm fine.

I hold my breath and count to three then exhale, using the strategy Carolina taught me to calm my anxiety. I do it once more, in an attempt to slow the spiraling of thoughts running through my mind.

I'm ok.

Unclenching my jaw, I take my schedule from her hands, "Ok, going to class now. I'll see you later El". I shuffle away awkwardly, keeping my head down.

"Wait! Is it ok if I walk with you? This school map isn't much help." Sebastián asks, catching up to me before I can get away successfully.

I turn around to face him without really looking at him, "Fine", I mumble, then proceed to lead the way towards AP Art History.

"You don't want to find your locker first?" Sebastián asks, breaking the silence.

I open the door to the art building, debating whether I should ignore him or not.

"No", I glance up at him, catching him already looking at me. I look away nervously, breaking eye contact as I search for the right classroom.

"It's here", and before I can open the door myself, Sebastián does, gesturing for me to go in first.

I walk in, suppressing the urge to roll my eyes. I don't know what he's playing at but I definitely don't need this right now, or ever in fact.

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