Ch. 13 - Drowning

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Our girl is about to pull some self destructive shit ! But it's fine because we support her regardless 🥺 Also, this is a shortie filler ch. Sorry about that. But the next ch will def be longer and introducing a new character. Please vote and let me know what you think. I'd love some feedback.

tw- self harm/ depression mentions



After my little breakdown in the parking lot, I quickly pulled myself together and drove straight home. Wiping away any remnants of tears and stretching out my post-panic attack sore muscles. Desperately needing Eleanor to fill in the blanks about anything else I may have missed from last night. And to possibly, most likely, yell at her for not intervening! For allowing that to happen! For allowing me to make a complete fool of myself! I'm practically seething by the time I get home, stomping up the stairs. Not caring if I wake Eleanor. In fact, I hope I wake her. She needs to be here, participating in the mess that she (I truthfully) created!

"Eleanor Sofía Scott!", I yell, charging into my room, "Explain yourself!"

My voice spooks her, causing her to flail out of bed and land on the floor with a heavy thud. The blankets tethered around her as she struggles to unwrap herself. Olive jumps to the rescue, pawing at the blankets. Trying her absolute best to help El unravel herself and failing miserably. It's honestly adorable.

I laugh, watching it all unfold, "You okay?" I help her up and throw the blankets back on the bed.

She just glares, huffing as she sits back on the bed. "Why the heck were you yelling?" She asks, wiping the sleep from her face, stretching as a yawn rips out of her.

I ignore her question and gesture to the take out in my hands, "I got breakfast". I pass her a coffee and burrito, getting comfortable on the bed next to her.

"Thanks", She responds, still a tad confused. I just nod, turning on the television and playing Grey's Anatomy in the background. We eat in silence, half paying attention to Meredith sobbing while she tells the shooter to shoot her instead while Christina tries her best to save Derek's life. Olive is perched on my lap, waiting for one of us to drop some food. Her big brown eyes hopeful.

"So now are you ready to tell me what all that yelling was about?", El asks after a bit of time, biting into her burrito.

I set my eyes on her, glaring as I take a sip of my latte. "What happened last night?"

Her eyes widen, almost chocking on her food, "Um, nothing?", Her tone not exuding a whole lot of confidence, "What do you remember?" She questions, turning the tables on me.

I sputter, narrowing my eyes, "Umm everything! Or at least most of it!...But I know what you did!" I point an accusing finger at her.

Her shapely brows furrow in confusion, "What I did? What did I do?"

I lay back dramatically on my bed, slinging an arm over my face, "Well, it's more what you didn't do".

She scoffs, setting her coffee down on the nightstand, "Oh please! I tried my best. You were the one running around, drunk off your ass"

I sit up immediately, offended, "You went against protocol! You let a boy touch me!"

Her eyes light up in realization, a giggle escaping, "Oooooh that's what you're really mad about. Trust me, I was all for dragging your ass to the car. But YOU were basically plastered to Sebastián. I couldn't get you off him even if I tried". She cackles, finding my misery hilarious.

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