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Being late to work was never a problem to Yoongi

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Being late to work was never a problem to Yoongi. It was basically his specialty.

But having been on time the past two weeks made him irritated when he walked in ten minutes late.

"New record for Yoongi." Jaebum clapped his hands as Yoongi walked in the Green Record Rooms.

Yoongi smirked. "Yeah, yeah, did you win a bet or something?"

Jaebum smiled. "Of course I did. I know your schedule better than anyone here."

Yoongi saluted Namjoon with their short secret handshake and patted Taehyung's concentrated back.

Although Yoongi was known to be the antisocial of the whole company, he got along well with his Pitching Director. Maybe it was because Jaebum empathized with Yoongi's past, but it didn't matter.

"Actually Yoongi," Jaebum spoke as Yoongi was about to sit on his seat so he could get right to work. "I need you to check out this really weird bug on Fortcraft. It's so bad, it's become a meme."

Yoongi snorted as he rolled his chair underneath his desk. "The game's already a meme by itself."

Namjoom grabbed onto Yoongi's sleeve. "Aren't you gonna say hello to the dancers?"

Yoongi looked up at the dancers on stage, all too engrossed on their actions to notice Yoongi's lateness. He shook his head. "Nah. I'm leaving for downstairs anyways. What point is there?"

Namjoon nodded, looking over at Jimin who had asked if Yoongi was feeling okay before his late arrival. "Jin hyung wants to head to the arcade after work."

"Is it half price Friday?"


Yoongi smirked. "Tokens on me. I'll see you for lunch."

As the blue haired boy walked off, who's hair was actually more blond than blue these days, Taehyung sighed. He banged his head against the table before curling his hands around his sides.

"Take it easy Tae." Namjoon patted his back. "Servers are slow since the shutdown, just be patient."

Jungkook bounced up and down by Hoseok. "Please, please. please!"

Hoseok smiled at the jumping boy. "No."

Jungkook pouted and stopped bouncing. "Jimin hyung!" He whined as he walked over to him. "He said no."

Jimin chuckled. "Told you he would say no. He just doesn't want to be left alone."

"He's not gonna be left alone. He'll just be the third wheel..." Jungkook crossed his arms.

Jimin looked over to Namjoon and Taehyung. "I mean, if their friend Jin comes and Yoongi doesn't, then it would be an even number..."

"Is he still not here?" Jungkook asked as he looked around.

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