The Story of Forwards

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The only thing we have to fear is fear itself- FDR


"No, Parker," I sigh," I do not want to come over just to watch Cops with you. Can we just finish this project over the phone?"


"You are so annoying."

"After Cops I can come over, but not right now."

I roll my eyes and put my fork down. The small utensil echoes around the empty house and I sigh at how lonely it is all the time. I hop off my kitchen counter and put the dishes in the sink while I try to persuade Parker to come over. As odd as it sounds I actually want him to come over.

"Oh, dear. We can watch Cops at my hou-" my phone beeps and I tell Parker to hold on as I open the message.

(Not actual forward. This is just the message Lennon got.)


FWD: Forward this to 10 people or you will die slowly and painfully.

If you do not forward this in the next 10 minutes you will first here a loud boom. Then a glass from your kitchen will break 5 minutes after that. If you get the next sign you are done for! Two people with hoods on will knock on your window. They know which one to knock on to make you hear because they know what room you are in RIGHT NOW! AS IN THIS SECOND. They are watching to see you forward this. They are waiting. And they are not normal. They have gray skin. Blood colored eyes. They have no irises there whole eye is red. Their teeth are as sharp as daggers. They like to feed on blood. And they love human blood the best.

I am not doing this to harm you. I'm trying to protect you. Hurry!


"Ah!" I choke. I absolutely hate forwards. Like they are one of my worst fears.

"Lennon! Lennon are you okay? Lennon!" Parker shouts through the other end of the phone. I forgot he was here but I can't help sobbing as I frantically run around the house shutting the blinds.

"Par-ker?" I choke out.

"Lennon. Are you okay?" he sighs in relief when I answer.

"Can y-you c-ome over? Right now? Faster than ten minutes? Please?" I sob and sink in the corner of my kitchen with a steak knife in my hand.

"Yeah, Lennon. You want me to stay on the phone?" He rushes and I can hear the door slam already.

"Y-yes." I cough.

"Lennon. I need you to do this. For me. Can you unlock your door?" Parker asks and I hear a few things in his car topple over meaning he took a sharp turn.

"Are you close?" my voice is shaky and choppy as I try to calm myself down from having a panic attack.

"Yes, I'm coming down the block" he informs me and I sprint to the front door and unlock it. I see his old pick-up truck pulling down the block and look around frantically until he stops and jumps out of the car. When he does I don't waste anytime throwing my arms around him and sobbing into his chest. His arms shockingly wrap around my waist as he stiffens.

"Sorry." I sniffle realizing he is probably uncomfortable with my sudden affection.

"C'mon. Let's go inside." he ushers me inside. I grab a box of tissues from the kitchen and blow out my nose. I wipe my tears with a different tissue and then throw them out. Parker sits quietly rubbing my back as I calm down. Eventually my sobbing stops and my breathing becomes even again.

"What happened?" Parker whispers, carefully as if he doesn't to break the silence.

I just got hit with reality when I realize I didn't call Vinnie to ask her instead. I mean Parker was on the phone but no one can calm me down besides my family and Vinnie. I push the thought back for now and turn to Parker.

"You know those forwards? The ones with the send this in the next bla bla minutes or else... and then it says something really scary." I explain shakily.


"I g-got one. And I know it seems really stupid, but I am actually really afraid of them. I don't know why. But I just really am." I close my eyes and will away the tears as I wait for Parker to start making fun of me.

"It's not stupid." Parker scoffs.

"Yes it is. Ugh, I shouldn't have told you." I groan and hide my face in my hands.

"Why? We're best friends. You can tell me anything." Parker protests but I can only think of one thing.

I was just friend-zoned.

Best friends?

But I gave him a boner.

Is that what boy-girl friends do?

I was just friend-zoned.

"You know what. I'm fine. I'll call Vinnie. Go watch your Cops." I force a smile and stand from the couch. Parker looks confused.

"Lennon, did I do something wrong? Say something wrong?"

"No, Parker, go," I gulp.

"You sure?"

"Yes, I don't want to keep your Cops waiting." I chuckle, falsely.

"Alright." He sighs and goes outside after he gives me a small, reassuring, friendly hug.

Damn it.



"What Cops episode is this?" Reece plops down with the bowl of chocolate popcorn in his hand.

"Ten." I respond, distractedly. Lennon's behavior today was odd. Really weird. I mean one moment she was pouring her heart out into my chest and the next she is telling me to go home. Did I say something?

"Reece?" I mute Cops and he sighs in annoyance but turns to me.


"Today, before you came, I was at Lennon's," Reece's ears perk up at the sound of Lennon's name," And she was crying. I comforted her. But then, like a flip of a switch, she stopped crying and was telling me to go watch Cops."

"Mm, Can you recall the conversation for me?" Reece's 'therapy' voice as he calls it comes out.

I repeat the conversation perfectly, skipping over the Part about Lennon's fear.

"Oh gosh, man. You friend-zoned her, so hard." Reece laughs.

"How?" I ask confused.

"The part where you told her you guys were best friends." Reece laughs, clutching his stomach.

And then it comes back to me like being dunked in water.

"Why? We're best friends. You can tell me anything" I assure her.

She was silent for a minute or two. But I didn't interrupt her. She looked cute deep in thought. Then her eyes got a little sadder but she forced a smile anyway.

I completely friend-zoned the girl I have a crush on.

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