Day 13

21 6 0

One of your favorite 70s songs

Miss Sun - Boz Scaggs/Toto (I love Boz's version, but I'm kinda used to Toto's, but they still sound the same lol)

Boz Scaggs:


Stomp! - Brothers Johnson (I cannot not dance to this one)

The whole Off the Wall album by Michael Jackson

The whole Toto debut album

The whole Hydra album by Toto

Don't Stop Me Now - Queen

We are the Champions - Queen

Bohemian Rhapsody - Queen (who doesn't even listen to this?)

I'm In Love With My Car - Queen (Roggie's voice here tho)

Tale of a Man - Toto

Mrs. Johnson - Toto

Love is a Man's World - Toto

Anyways that's all

Peace and love,


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