Tagged Again

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So I was tagged by NickOlBacc

Let's do it

1. Tag 5 people

Only five?! Alright then...


Sorry if you guys weren't tagged 😭

2. Describe your day in one sentence in the form of a song lyric

"Woke up, fell out of bed, dragged a comb across my head"

3. Talk about your classic rock hero and why he is your hero

Not exactly classic rock, but yeah it's Michael Jackson (how predictable). I see him as a hero (cue My Hero - Foo Fighters) because he has inspired millions of people, and he has actually done something to help the world. And despite the good that he has done, people *cough* Evan Chandler *cough* still continue to judge him and put them in the spotlight in a bad way. But in spite of that, he fought for his reputation as an artist, and he won.

4. Tell your favorite movie

At the moment it's The Greatest Showman (can't think of anything else)

5. Describe your two biggest pet peeves

- People wearing band shirts but don't know the band
- Judgemental people and SJWs

6. Comment one thing you really believe others should take seriously

I usually stray from the serious topics, but for me, one thing people should take seriously is the issue of bullying. It takes place in many different schools, without the teachers even knowing. I've been through that, and trust me, it feels horrible. Michael, Axl, Ringo and many others have been through that. Just by reading their biographies and listening to their interviews, I was touched, and I realized I wasn't alone. I know there are other people who are bullied out there, so we should take a stand against this issue and give justice to those who are bullied.

(sorry if this "speech" sounds horrible... I'm not that good in writing speeches actually)

7. Name your favorite color and why

Purple/Violet. I don't really know why it's my favorite color, it just looks relaxing.

8. What is your favorite scene from a movie?

Interviewer: Are you a mod or a rocker?

Ringo: Uh no, I'm a mocker.

Interviewer: How do you find America?

John: Turn left at Greenland.

9. Talk about your favorite instrument and why it is your favorite

For me it's the bass, and aside from it being the foundation of the band, I just love listening to the pops and slaps it makes. And the feeling of satisfaction when you finally get the bass line you're working on... I can't describe it. Oh, and Deaky and Enty and Macca.

10. Why is your favorite song from a favorite classic rock band a favorite?

I usually don't do favorites, but for this game's sake, I'll just choose Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles. It's a favorite of mine because of the lyric "it's alright". So yeah, despite the storms we've gone through, we can know that there's always a sun at the end of a storm, and we can know "it's alright".

11. If you could bring back one deceased singer, who would it be and why?


Alright, this is hard... anyways if I could bring back only one deceased singer, I would bring back John Lennon. Along with Michael, he has also been an inspiration of mine, and of course, his death was unfortunate. If he were here, of course he'd make efforts to bring peace to the world.

So yeah, that ends it for this tag thing. See ya!!

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