Know Your Judges & Admins

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Heya loveliest candidates,

As everyone knows that we are on fb now, please follow us and send us friends request, though it's not mandatory to have your own facebook.

This is just a measure of being in touch, as we will be updating on fb too about each of our moves here on wattpad. Also, we won't tag anyone.

Here is our fb account details:
Find us : TheYour ChoiceClub

Here is our fb account details: Find us : TheYour ChoiceClub

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NOT taking on anymore time on this.

Lets talk about the Judges.

1. Thriller category: Judge 👇

2. Fiction category: Judge👇

3. Fantasy Category: Judge 👇GargiPanicker

4. Other Category: Judge👇

The your Choice clubs Admins lists are given below:


Anytime in the future if u have any queries about the process of awards (which is not solved on the book itself), then you will first contact your respective Category Judge.

If by any rarest of rare chances, your queries don't get satisfied by your judges then you can contact any of the other Admins. Anyone would surely be happy to help .

Also this list of judges and Admins will be reminded to you before every round.

Now, after the distribution of badges the evaluation process will be starting. Just to brush up your knowledge about the awards do go through the informative chapters once more, which are : 'know ur rewards' & 'overview of all rounds' . So that you will be prepared.


Tagging all the participants here 👇in the sequence of Contestant No., wattpad Id & book name.

Eg: 1. @AbC #Bookname

Where, 1. Is the contestants no.
@Abc is the Id
#Bookname is the title of your book

Your Choice Awards 2018Where stories live. Discover now