Starring: The (30%) Doubler Round

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So, the day is the today! Are you excited? Aren't you? Did you seen your name written to the singler round results?

YOUR CHOICE AWARD 2018 The Second Elimination Round.

To all 9-12 participants chosen for the second round. But we all expected about 19 out of 25 participants should go for the second round, but, we failed to do it. As many opted not to reply, you know who you are (for whom didn't mind to send their part of descriptions) But still we thank you for joining!

And remember, for the second round we will tell everyone that 30% from the present 9-12 participants will be eliminated.

We will choose the one who follow and abide our simple rules like for adding the AWARDS BOOK to your LIBRARY AND READING LIST for updates, to the one who can simply answer our questions, and lastly by FOLLOWING all the judges and admins who have the most thrilling part for the awards. We used to monitor guys. So, I hope you to not mess any, just a simple rules.

Overview for Judging.

Remember the zero base. The score for the first elimination wouldn't be counted. Remember, who have their "High scores" aren't the one. We will have the fair judgements.

Second Elimination Round.
*The Doubler Elimination*

Expect Second Round will be posted soon, Stay tuned guys!

So wait for an update guys! Don't forget to vote this part and every part of this Awards.

Question should be commented inline. So don't hesitate dears.

Please do update us for any changes regarding to your profile, and to your entry.

Thank you and Congratulations!,

Love and hugs from afar,

Your Choice Awards 2018Where stories live. Discover now