Doubler Round: Thriller Category

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So, the day is the today! YOUR CHOICE AWARD 2018 The Second Elimination Round.

To all 9-12 participants for the second round. But we all expected about 19 out of 25 participants should go for the second round, but, we failed to do it. As many opted not to reply, you know who you are (for whom didn't mind to send their part of descriptions) But still we thank you for joining!

And remember, for the second round we will tell everyone that 30% from the present 9-12 participants.

We will choose the one who follow and abide our simple rules like for adding the YOUR CHOICE AWARDS 2018 ENGLISH BOOK to your LIBRARY AND READING LIST  so that you don't miss our updates, and lastly by FOLLOWING all the judges and admins who have the most thrilling part for the awards.

The your Choice clubs Admins lists are given below:


Overview for Judging.

Remember the zero base. The score for the first elimination wouldn't be counted. Remember, who have their "High scores" aren't the one. We will have the fair judgements.

Second Elimination Round.

*The Doubler Elimination*

QUESTIONS must be answered by the contestants selected in the Singlers elimination round for THRILLER CATEGORY.

1. Who's (What is) your inspiration in writing? And what are the things that you wanted to achieve with your story? And why? (Your answer must construct into 100-150 words.)

Judge will take a book review for your story entry chapters (1-3 chapters ahead.) and will be checking your story outlines, Plot and so on so fort.

Format of answering:

Title of the Book:
Contestant No.:

All you have to do is to comment your answers below with the correct format.

Deadline of submission is on April 27, 2018. Announcement of Second Elimination Round Winners will be on or before May 3, 2018.

ADMIN to do the Judging:

Reminder, we will only accept answers for this chapter who are selected in singlers elimination round for THRILLER CATEGORY.

Tagging all the selected participants here 👇in the sequence of Contestant No., wattpad ID & book name.

Eg: 1. @AbC #Bookname

1. Is the contestants no.
@Abc is the wattpad Id
#Bookname is the title of your book

Here, are the winners of The Singler Round Of Eliminations:

🎊 All the best  🎊


A. Thriller

2) NicoleMcS #Unknown Side Of Europe.

4) ElijahCole11 #Countdown: A Dinosaur Story.

5)  laorangerose #Soul Walker.

6) AlcinaMystic #Shatter like glass.

11)  GiftPaul3 #The undercover Reporter.

13) Rosie_Posie1 #Katherine.

14) BBenners #My Sisters Keeper.

15) ArthurFoo #Lone Thunder.

17) alishamukhtar25 #Beyond Life.

18) lyndominic #The Arrogant Billionaires PA.



Good luck to all of you!!!

With Loves 💞💞💞,

Your Choice Awards 2018Where stories live. Discover now