Kill Me

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Ooookkkaaayyy Peooooppple
Let's see how this works

Heres my life right now...
First things first, your definitely not wondering this by I'm going to pretend you are anyway: Where am I writing this, your definitely all asking yourselves?

In notes. yes. notes.

At first when I wasn't updating, I didn't have an excuse. I just wasn't really feeling it, I had no inspiration. But, a couple months ago, I realized something. Wattpad, won't work. Every time I get on, without fail, it freezes the fuck up (sorry for my cussing, Wattpad and spam stuff has put me in a really pissy mood). WITHOUT FAIL. I'll be on for like 2 seconds and it will freeze up and I'll have to close out of the app and get back on, only for it to happen again. I tried the website, but for the longest time I'd be pressing the email verification button over and over and ovER again, wouldn'! And finally, finally! Wattpad seemed to be working. I got on the app, was pleased to not have it freeze up, and as always, I decided to go through my 800+ notifications (yes, I hear you, I suck at updating). Once I'm through with that, I decide to write a couple of short updates on as many of the story's as I can before doing my homework. So, I go to Sorry Forgot to Mention Him, Click on the latest chapter to reread it, reread it all, then try to click the arrow to go back, AND IT WAS FUCKING FORZEN. AGAIN. So, I get a little more pissed. Then I get off the app, then get back on, and try again. NOPE. (I have emailed Wattpad about the problem, they responded, but nothing was fixed) So before blowing a fuse, I go back to the website to keep trying to resend the email verification email (and yes, I pressed the search button in my email to look for all the emails from Wattpad, there was none) (and I looked in the spam folder, that's why I was a little more pissed, I got annoyed at all the spams telling me over and over and oovvverr that they need to talk to me) and after like 20 FRIGGEN ATTEMPTS, it WORKS! So I verify it, go to my story's to work on updating, only to find no way to actually write in my story's. Like, I'm pretty sure people can update stuff through the website, but I looked everywhere! So I go back to the app. AND IT FREEZES AGAIN.
So I'm going to TRY to get on there again and hope it doesn't freeze long enough to copy and paste this.
If not, my fuse WILL blow.

On a more,  but not really, happy note, I'm in highschool. So, that happened. And not only has that happened, but you know what else?
Spring break ended.
Spring break ending=all the hard(er) shit begins.
Sing break ending means it's time to panic over finals.
It means my first AP test.
Which means review sessions every day and a 4 hour mock exams.
It means long friggen papers to write.
It means test, after test, after test.

So basically, I'm dead.

I hope you enjoyed my long ass ramble, and I am deeply sorry for all the cliffhangers I left you on by like, never, updating.

And yes, I know this definitely fake, but I'm going to ATTEMPT to screen record it just so you can see my struggle : )

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Apr 03, 2018 ⏰

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