How You Met

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a/n: Some of these aren't really "how you met" sorry


You were walking down the street on a warm Friday night. You were only out of your cozy apartment to grab something to eat. You were starving, and were too tired from the long day at school/work to make anything halfway decent.

Walking forward, you heard a loud 'boom' and looked up to see the clear sky filled with dazzling lights. The sky had been lit up by a blue and red fireworks, out-pacing the stars easily. As you smiled at the sky, you stopped looking where you were going.

Your foot caught the curb of the sidewalk and you properly tripped, wobbling a bit before you collapsed. An arm gripped your hand and pulled you up off of the ground.

You turned to see a concerned looking expression on a man's face. He was looking at you with gorgeous blue eyes, and when he saw that you were okay, he smiled and turned around to talk to his friend, still carefully holding your hand. "Guys! My birthday wish totally came true this year!"


You were out skating on a lake two hours from your home. It was the perfect day outside - warm, sunny, but with a certain chill stinging the air.

You skated and whirled across the ice for almost three hours before taking a break. When you decided to slow down and prepare to leave, you stepped off of the ice and took off of your skates in the fresh, sparkling snow.

Then, you looked over the frozen lake one more time, towards the snowy mountains, reveling in the gorgeous view and breathing in the clear air.

And noticed something.

There was a man, curled up on the ice, his ankle bent in a weird way. It was probably either broken or badly sprained, and nobody else was stopping to help him off of the ice. His glasses were cracked and had been thrown from his face onto the ice. The man's red flannel shirt was ripped up the arm. There were also tears running down his cheeks and in his beautiful blue eyes

You stepped back onto the lake, forgetting to put your skates or ice shoes on, only your soaked socks.

"Hey!" You called, stepping carefully towards him. "Do you need help?"

He looked up, tears in his eyes, and smiled shyly. "Y-you can see me?"

"Of course I can see you," you replied, plodding towards him. "What are you talking about?

"W-Watch out!"

In that moment, you slipped on the ice and crashed to the ground. Thankfully, the ice wasn't thin enough to crack underneath your weight.

For a moment, the man on the ice looked genuinely worried.

"Are y-you okay?"

You started to laugh, giggling and then full-out busting your sides. You had no idea why it was so funny, but it was just one of those hilarious moments.

You would find out later that you had a cut underneath your eye and an ideal life-long relationship.


You were sitting at a table in a popular cafe near your apartment, sipping a cup of tea. The rain was pouring down outside, and the crowds of people who had been outside shopping had rushed indoors at the downpour, fleeing from the rain. The cafe was crowded, and there were hardly any free seats.

You, were sitting alone at a two person table. You had taken a break from your book, which lay abandoned on the table, and listened to the sound of the rain cascading across the windows.

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