I Love You and First Kiss

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since the last update. School was finishing up, and I had some pretty important finals to study for. Now that it's summer break, you can expect more updates from me!


A loud ringing sound woke you up in the middle of the night. You groggily looked over to your bedside table, where your phone was flashing green, indicating a phone call. With each green flash, your phone vibrated along the wood. You weakly picked the phone up and accepted the call, rolling over in the comforters.


"[Name]!" You heard from the other side of the telephone. It was Alfred. He sounded kind of nervous, which made you nervous.

"..Al?" You asked. "What's wrong? What's happened?"

"Nothing's wrong!" He exclaimed.

"You're not in jail, are you?"

"No, of course not."

"Then why are you calling?"

Alfred's voice took a more serious tone. "I need to tell you something."

You sat up quickly in bed, your emotions half fear and half excitement. "What is it?"

There was a short pause, and then -

"I love you."

You pulled the phone away from your ear in surprise. Alfred loved you? You were delighted by the thought. To be loved by someone you cared about... and especially by him. For him to tell you was a wonderful, fluffy feeling that surged up inside you. You smiled widely, all of your memories with him running through your mind. When did he realize he loved you? What made him figure it out, especially at three in the morning?

"[Name]? Are you there?" Al sounded worried and anxious through your phone. Poor thing, you thought. It's probably scary to wait for a response to a confession of love.

"Al," you said into the speaker, giddy happiness overwhelming your every word. "I love you too. So much."

"Oh thank God," he sighed. You could practically see the relieved smile on his face. "I love you. And I'm glad I was able to tell you, despite it being over the phone."

"I'm glad you told me, too," you murmured to him, sitting back against your headboard.

A small tap came at your window. You froze, turning to look out through the glass. It was dark outside! Who on earth could be hanging out around your house at this hour of the morning?

"Look out your window," your boyfriend through the phone.

You stood up anxiously and unlocked the window. The small lights outside of it illuminated the small balcony and the garden below. Among the vegetables and decorations stood your wonderful, beautiful boyfriend. He was holding his cell phone against his ear and was tossing a small pebble in the other.

You turned around and sprinted out of your room and down the stairs. You flung open the back door, your heart beating fast with excitement, and ran straight into Alfred's arms. Without hesitation, he leaned down and kissed you on the lips. Your eyes fluttered shut with the contact, and you leaned into his warm chest. You sank into his arms, returning the sweet kiss immediately. You reached up and ran your fingers through his feathery blond hair in an attempt to memorize everything about him - the way he feels, the way he smells, the way he tastes. The kiss felt right. It felt perfect.

After a few too-short moments, you broke apart. The two of you laughed breathlessly for a moment, holding each other close in the darkness.

Alfred broke the silence first. "I love you," he said. You smiled and leaned back up to press a chaste kiss to his lips.

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