First Date

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"Alfred!" You called, grabbing his hand and trying to pull him back towards you. "I told you that was the last line we're getting in!"

He was trying to break away and fly towards another line for another ride. The two of you had been at Disneyland all day, eating hot dogs, laughing with each other, and, most importantly, getting on ride after ride after ride. Alfred was grinning like a fool all day, which made you grin with him. However, you were still trying to pull him back towards the line you were already waiting in.

But it was now late at night, and most of the people had dwindled away, leaving only the lights that lit up a large carousel, and the ferris wheel.
"But y/n," He pleaded, giving you the puppy eyed look. You glared at him, trying not to soften.

"I want to go on the ferris wheel," Alfred whined, tugging you towards the line for the ferris wheel. It was by far the longest line at the park.

"You're such a little kid, you know that?" You groaned, rolling your eyes but letting him pull you into the line. A small smile spread across your face as you saw him bouncing up and down in line, clearly extremely excited.

About half an hour into the wait you leaned on his shoulder, tired, and he grinned and picked you up. You yelped and stared at him wide eyed as he lifted you up with no issue whatsoever. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your arms around his shoulder, a slight fear that he was going to drop you surging through your systems. You shivered.

"I'm not going to drop you," Alfred reassured you, patting your back lightly. "You're very light. And I'm very strong," he joked, poking at your sides and sending you a wink. You let out a soft groan and rested your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. You tried to stay awake, but sleep quickly overtook you, leaving Alfred alone with a girl sleeping across his shoulders.


"This seems like a bad idea," you murmured, taking one of Matthew's hands in your own. He guided you carefully onto the ice, and you almost slipped before he wrapped his gloved hands around your frame and pulled you up, saving you from a painful decent onto the ice.

"It'll be fine," he reassured, sending you a small smile. You moved forward on the ice and nearly slipped again, clinging to his arm in fear of falling.

"Can we stay near the wall?" You asked, looking down at your feet and your trembling knees.

"I won't let you fall," Matt promised, slowly skating backwards away from the wall. He made his way to the middle of the rink, wrapping an arm around you and bringing you a little closer.

"Is it okay if we move?"

You nodded, looking up at Matthew began to slowly move across the rink, bringing you with him. You sighed and leaned against him, closing your eyes. You focused on his warm touch and his soft breaths. Matt was a lot taller than you, and so you could lean against his chest and just relax as he skated gracefully around the rink.



"Y/n," he said, standing up and pulling out one of the chairs of his table for you. The restaurant was fancy and expensive, and looking up at Arthur, who was smartly dressed in a suit and tie, made you even more nervous.

"You look stunning," Arthur stammered, running one of his hands through his hair. You shot him a grateful smile and sat, the skirts of your dress pooling beneath you. Arthur took his seat and quickly ordered you two drinks - some fancy lemonade with mint.

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