He Asks You Out

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Alfred grinned wildly as he slumped across you, laying his head in your lap. "Hey, (y/n)," he hiccuped, leaning up and pressing a light kiss to one of your cheeks, provoking a heavy blush. You pushed him off, and tried to hand him a glass of water.

He was, well, no less of being absolutely hammered. He had gone out drinking with Matthias and Gilbert, and he had shown up at your door at around midnight.

"Al," you murmured, grabbing one of his flailing hands and giving it a light squeeze. "Drink this."

"Why?" He slurred, flashing you another award winning smile.

"It'll make you feel better," you sighed, gazing up at him. "Please?"

"If I drink it," he beamed, lacing his fingers with yours and squeezing your hand back, "will you go on a date with me?"

You stared at him in shock, before another squeeze of your hand brought you back to reality. You flushed, looking down at your small hand resting in Alfred's own.

"Okay," you breathed, meeting his gentle gaze with your own. He smiled and flopped back onto your lap, downing the glass of water in one go and spilling a little bit. You wiped the water off of his cheek with your sleeve.

"God, I hope you remember this tomorrow," you sighed.


You stood by the edge of the stands, right next to the player's bench. You watched Matt fly across the ice, cheering every time his team scored a goal.

Matt flew across the ice, battling other players for the puck, occasionally challenging a ref on a decision. Every so often, one of Matthew's fellow players would give you a light slap on the back or a high five on their way onto the rink, referring to you only as 'Matt's girl', which made you blush and protest.

You watched in awe and anticipation as the last few moments of the last period ticked down. Matthew skated across the ice, bringing up his stick and hitting the puck into the goal as the last seconds ran out and the bell sounded.

The stadium roared with pride as all of the benched players ran onto the rink and piled onto Matt, practically crushing him. You grinned, your smile widening as Matt approached you the side of the rink, picking you up and swinging you over the barrier between the rink and the stadium. He engulfed you in a bear hug, laughing and grinning at their victory.

Suddenly, the other team members encircled you, beginning to chant Matthew's name.

Matt leaned back, holding you at arms length by your shoulders. A heavy blush had risen to his cheeks, and he looked slightly anxious.

"Matt?" You murmured, slightly concerned.

"Y/n," he sighed, trying to ignore his teammates around him. "Will you go on a date with me?"

A grin lit up your face, and you leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. 
"Yes," you mumbled against his skin, and he broke into a breath taking smile and wrapped his arms around your waist, squeezing you tight.

The team roared again, their faces breaking into smiles as well. A few of them slapped Matt on the back and congratulated him.


"Arthur?" You asked him, pulling on the sleeve of his shirt. "Are you alright?"

He turned around, wiping his wet hands on his pants, and you took in a quick breath of air. Arthur looked exhausted and pale, showcased by the dark bags under his eyes.

"I'm fine," he yawned, running a hand through his hair. "I just haven't been sleeping well."

"Yeah? Why not? Is something wrong?"

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