How He Feels About You

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"Matt," Alfred sighed, running a hand through his disheveled hair. He was definitely feeling unsettled, and he couldn't figure out what it was about you that made him feel so nervous but so happy. So, if he couldn't understand what it was, who would be better to consult than his twin brother?

"Something's wrong, isn't it?" Matt asked, folding his hands and placing them on the table, patiently waiting for Alfred to speak up. "Is it y/n?"

"Yes!" Alfred groaned, leaning back in his chair and massaging his cheeks with his palms. "She makes me feel things I've never felt before. She's so beautiful and she's so sweet, but she makes me so nervous! I don't know what's wrong with me! All I want to do is spend time with her, and be with her, and sh-"

"Al!" Matt interrupted, shaking his head and cracking a wide grin. "Why were you so worried about something this stupid?"

"What do you mean stupid?" Al said, slightly offended. He stared at Matthew in shock for a moment before continuing. "I don't know what to do about it!"

"You need to ask her out," he giggled. "You're clearly in love with her. I had the same issue with my girlfriend. You've got to work up the courage to do something about how you feel! And this time - don't be awkward, be honest with her."


Matthew came back in a daze from your home. He unlocked the front door and instantly flopped on the couch next to Francis, grabbing a pillow and squeezing it to his chest. "Francis," Matt mumbled, catching the frenchman's attention immediately. "I think I'm in love with someone."

"Matthew!" Francis gasped in delight, rubbing his hands together and radiating complete happiness. There were no words to describe how long he had been waiting for the day where Matthew would fall in love with someone.

"She's so stunning," Matt sighed, drumming his fingers against the pillow, an unusual glowing smile on his face. "She's so kind. She's so lovely," he murmured, dreamily staring up at Francis.

"Finally," Francis grinned. "Finally you have found someone! Someone who can make you happy."

He crossed the room and sat next to Matthew. "You have to do something about this," Francis chided, clapping him on the back. "You have to ask her out soon. If you know you're in love, you have to act on it."

Matthew nodded. "I know, I know," he murmured.


"It's so stupid," Arthur huffed, taking a quick sip of tea, not even caring how the hot, sugary drink burned his tongue. He had been trapped in his thoughts for hours, and had eventually decided to tell someone about what he was struggling with. It was difficult to stare at that American's face and tell him about his own problems without feeling like an idiot. Meanwhile, poor Alfred had been stuck sitting with him for over an hour, sipping at a soda. "It's so stupid feeling this way. She's so beautiful and so warm hearted and so kind. She's too good for me, but I'm still in love with her. It's almost like a waste of time."

"Arthur, stop talking," Alfred sighed, setting down his bottle of coke on the table. "You're beating yourself up. You're in love! So do something about it! You'll never know how she feels unless you tell her. Maybe she loves you, too."

"Yeah, yeah. That's easy for you to say," Arthur grumbled. "You don't have the same problem."

"Yeah, but I've been in the same position as you before. You have to act on it."

"Okay. Okay," Arthur said, setting down his cup and drumming his fingers on the table. "I'll do something about it. I swear."


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