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You see the sun rays entered your room making the glass furniture from across a dresser gleam. You still haven't changed your clothes from yesterday. Since you are still incredibly sleepy you buried your face under a pillow. You raised the other side of it to take a quick glance at the alarm clock.
You grinned at the sight. Nothing but over-sleeping can make your day satisfying without even starting it yet.

Y/N: Perfect.

You stretched in your full length making some of your bones crunch. You reached out for your phone.
Wait, Where is my phone?

Out of panic, your reflexes made you sit up and search for your phone. Missing your phone is scary enough to make you feel like a bucket of ice had been poured unto you. Yourknees landed on a cold rectangular-shaped thing and you were like "ah shit" at that time. You quickly snatched the phone and lay down once again. 
You checked your inbox and the only thing that's new is a message from Jungkook.
This piece of~
You gritted your teeth and clench your phone as you check it.

Kookie😜: Y/N, I'm coming at your house. 10:00am,be ready. I'm bringing people
Kookie😜: We're here Y/N, where are you?

This was all sent an hour ago.

You jumped out off your bed, the realization of the event is just shocking you. Plus, The most unconventional thing that can happen to you is not having a bathroom in your room.

You can't think of any way of escaping this except changing clothes and sneaking to the bathroom which is you are certain that will be hard since the only bathroom in your house is in the west wing.
So even if you hesitate, you built up your mind and burst out of your room. You snuck through the living room in an army squat position, the weird thing is there's nobody in it. You continued on sneaking anyway but as you go closer to your destination you're having a feeling that something's not right. So you stood up straight and to see 6 men standing behind. They were so quiet that you didn't even realized they were there. Your heart jumped a little and your eyes widened as the men starts laughing. You are now confused on who are the 3 other guys with your brother, Jungkook and Park Jimin.

Hoseok: Ah Y/N. You look like a mess. Was there a rampage of elephants in your room when I left last night?

Your face turned red. Your agitated, embarrassed and intimidated all at the same time. The guys did not stop laughing instead they grew louder and louder vigorously.

Jungkook: I knew that you were still asleep, so we just waited here

You look bewildered. You scan the people presented in the room. They all look so...good.
No, bad.
the man with red hair clinging to Jungkook gives you a boxy grin
That reveals his sleek jaws and suddenly strikes a peace sign to his forehead. He looks quite eccentric while the dark haired man next to Hobi doesn't seem to display any emotion his face, he even looks sick of you already and his eyes looks drowsy. The next one is this tall guy with deep dimples along with his curly smile, you can barely see his irises and his blue locks flowing from his hat. Then there's Park Jimin behind them all, his aura is a bit different from the way it was in the school. His hair is all messy and that "good little boy" look in his face is gone. He's all dark and brooding , almost like he can kill you with his stare.

Hoseok:...Y/N, hello? brother to potato?

Yoongi: She might be dead. Look at that, she's all pale and motionless.

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