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Friday wasn't just a day. It was a feeling. It represented freedom and fun as well as rebelliousness and a sense of...

Who was I kidding, I was just happy the damn week was over. It had been rough as usual and the weekend was my time to rethink my life and convince myself I wanted to live.

But first, I had to get through the school day.

I walked into the infamous building with Janie and grimaced. My best friend had offered Girard a ride to school but he wasn't going to start until next Monday, so it was just the two of us again.

The bell had rung as we were coming in so we immediately began making our way to first period: math. I pushed through the crowd with my usual RBF on as Janie apologized in the back with her charming smile. We managed to make it into class as the late bell went off.

Mr. Harding slammed the door with a forced smile and Janie and I solemnly took our seats in the back corner.

"Welcome to class, please put your phones away and look up at the board. Just because it's Friday..."

"... doesn't mean we get an easy day," I finished, whispering his common phrase back to Janie who giggled. Mr. Harding looked up and met my amused gaze with a steely glare. I narrowed my eyes.

We gonna do this again, old man? Because I am fully ready to take you down, I thought with a smirk. His eyes widened as if he heard me and with a flustered look, he turned and began scribbling the equations on the board.

The rest of class was uneventful so I decided to doze off. Janie took notes for both of us. Yes, it does seem pretty underhanded of me to make her take all the notes, but actually, taking notes is one of her favorite things to do. She enjoys decorating. Don't ask me why.

As the bell rang and everyone began to shuffle out, Mr. Harding handed us each our homework assignment for next time and I gave him one last warning look before whipping my head around and leaving the classroom. Janie smiled a little nervously and took two papers as I didn't take one.

The day went on as it usually did: me being a pure bitch and Janie apologizing quietly. Second period I got detention for "continually annoying the teacher by popping gum bubbles." Third period I stuck my tasteless gum in some girl's perfect hair and she didn't notice until the end of class. Janie shook her head at me and I shrugged.

Finally, we reached lunch and as the two of us began walking out to the car, Janie sighed and turned to me, grabbing my arm.

"Margo, can you not behave yourself for at least an hour? I feel like your mom," she told me with a half smile. Truly, I did not know how this girl kept a smile on her face 24/7. I flared my nostrils and rolled my eyes.

"Ok Mom, tell you what, if I do anything dastardly, dangerous, rebellious or plain mean for the next hour, I'll do anything you want," I told her. Dares were my favorite. Besides, Janie was a nice person. She wouldn't make me do anything too horrible.

"Anything?" she asked with an eager expression on her face. I nodded and she let go of my arm to unlock her phone. My brow furrowed as I looked on in confusion.

"What are you-"

"Texting myself a reminder of what I want you to do! Oh this is fabulous," she said as she pressed the home button and turned her phone off. I rolled my eyes and smirked. 

"I'm sure. Let's go, I'm hungry," I told her.

Next thing I knew, we were sitting outside of Sonic eating popcorn chicken and burgers. Janie tossed a piece of chicken up and I caught it in my mouth with professional accuracy. She clapped and held up another one. 

This was how I managed to eat both of our popcorn chicken without her noticing. She was having too much fun to care, but it was ironic because she would always yell at me after. I didn't mind. I had a stomach full of popcorn chicken.

I caught another one and she laughed again. Some kid sitting at a table near us looked over and rolled his eyes. He went back to his phone with an annoyed look.

Whatever, he wasn't the one getting free chicken.

"Oh my god," I heard Janie say. I looked over and she was holding her phone up in my face. "There's a party tonight at Tori's mansion. We should bring Girard!" 

I groaned. 

"The last time we went to a party, you regurgitated your "water" all over me, and I think my knuckles are still bruised from punching that one random middle aged guy who wouldn't leave us alone," I replied, wincing at the memory. I was still confused at how a forty year old had made his way into a high school party.

"I know, I know! But Girard needs to meet people and I know a bunch of kids who would love him!" she laughed. I rolled my eyes. She was set on it which meant I had to go, too. 

I noticed the other kid getting up from his table and glanced at the time on my phone. Fourth was going to start in about ten minutes. We had time.

Janie started cleaning up her spot so I popped the rest of my burger in my mouth and took both of our trash to the garbage can.

The kid, however, was in front of me and apparently was taking his sweet time because he wasn't moving from the trash bin. Glancing around, I didn't see any other garbage cans and sighed. I cleared my throat and he turned his head a little. 

He turned back without acknowledging me and I rolled my eyes. I was about to just shove him out of the way when I noticed his underwear conveniently hanging out of his pants. You did this to yourself, I told him in my head as I put down our trash on a nearby table.

Rubbing my hands together and completely forgetting Janie's deal, I wrapped my fingers around the edge of his plaid boxers and violently pulled up. He let out a Janie-quality squeal and his legs caved in as he went down, dropping his phone as he fell. When he finished his dramatic fall, he looked up at me in surprise, a hurt expression on his face.

"Bro, if you're going to take three hours to throw away your trash, at least pull of your pants for the people behind you," I said and stepped over him, shoving my trash into the garbage can. Saluting him as I walked away, I turned and smiled to myself until I noticed Janie's exuberant expression.

"Ok you got me," I said with a sigh," What do I have to do?"

She giggled and I grimaced. That was not a good sign. Janie whipped out her phone and clicked the power button. Navigating to messages, she turned the phone around for me to see and my eyes widened in fear.

It read, "Ask a guy out at the party tonight."

Janie laughed at my expression and I glared at her.

This was going to be one hell of a party in a literal sense of the phrase. 

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