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"Ok, now do a spin," Girard commented. I sighed and halfheartedly turned in a circle. Girard shook his head when I faced him once again. "No no no! Like this," he said with a little wink and lifted his arm in the air as he modeled a graceful spin for me.

"Girard, I just... I'm not a fan of dressing up," I mumbled. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh please, I knew that from the moment you walked up to me, honey. But it's a partay!! You have to dress up, love," he shrieked excitedly.

Suddenly the bathroom door swung open and Janie stumbled out in a skimpy pink get up. It sparkled as she turned to us with a wide smile. "Oh my god, Girard, this dress is amazing," she slurred, holding up a glass of stolen wine," I just feel so free."

Girard sighed. "Janie, love, we haven't stepped into the party and you're already drunk!" he said dramatically and walked over to help a very tipsy Janie finish her makeup.

I huffed and looked at myself in the tall mirror. The dress I had on wasn't half bad, but the real problem was me, not the outfit. Like I said before, dressing up was not my thing and you could tell. I turned to look at my bare back and shifted my shoulders, trying to get comfortable in the halter top dress. Lifting my chin a little bit, I spun back around and put a hand on my hip.

Surprisingly enough, I felt the smallest bit of confidence fill my chest and I smiled a little.

I was about to ask some random guy out. Might as well do it with a little confidence and a sexy party dress.

After Girard had finally finished with Janie's eye shadow blend and put her parent's wine back where it belonged, the three of us walked out to Janie's yellow jeep. Well, two of us walked and one of us stumbled.

Girard and I looked at each other hopelessly.

"I'll drive," I offered and took the keys from Janie's bejeweled hand," we can leave her in the car until she's sober enough to join us."

Girard laughed.

"This girl," he said shaking his head. I laughed with him, already feeling a little lighter than my normal moody attitude.

As we reached Tori's house, I looked for a parking spot while Girard put a blanket over a sleeping Janie.

So many people were here! The entire street was filled with cars and some people had even resorted to asking neighbors for parking spaces in their driveways. I decided to try the next street and finally found a spot at the end.

"Help me put the top up," Girard said and both of us shoved the jeep's top up and over Janie. I locked the car, Girard checked himself in the rear view mirrors and then, we were off! The party awaited.

The house was less of a house and more of a mansion. The yard was well taken care of with three fountains placed throughout the trimmed grass and a grove of trees swayed in the corner. A hedge lined the stone path leading up to the door and the porch looked welcoming and warm although the night air was far from cold.

The beat from the music could be heard all the way from the jeep so it grew louder as we walked toward the party. Reaching the path, I noticed a few couples already eating each others faces off in the front yard. Luckily, I managed to hold in my vomit.

And suddenly, we were in the midst of the party. Girls were twerking, guys were grinding and the music was loud as fuck. Girard looked at me in excitement as he noticed two guys making out in a corner and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh my god! This is great! The parties at home weren't bad but never as good as this!" he shouted over the music and teenagers.

Before I could reply, some girl climbed onto the dining table and stripped off her top, revealing a lacy bra. She started screaming the lyrics to the song and whipped her hair around as the crowd joined her.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08, 2018 ⏰

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