Ch.4. The Improbability of Dreams

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After the events of the morning, it was fair to say that the most action occurred before eleven am. The girls regrouped at the bench during break to discuss the transactions that had taken place between each individual and their respective target. The Flutter Friends were all glad that the Charming Lads had accepted them as their Winter Ball dates as that had concluded the first phase of Mia's plan. This meant phase two had initiated: the Flutter Friends would talk and go out on dates with the Charming Lads. However there was something in the air that none of the girls were willing to address, everyone other than Rosetta.

"What happens if we end up liking them?" Rosetta asked because it was Rosetta alone who was not afraid of this possibility. Her friend's minds, in contrast, were screaming about the possibility, even Mia, who had usually kept her guard up.

If this question had been asked to the Flutter Friends only yesterday, they would have said 'What is this? A cliché teen fiction?' and laughed. Today, they felt as though they were only characters in a book with no control over their destiny, and this author wanted to curse them with feelings.

"If we do, we simply do. We'll just continue this plan, just without a phase three," Mia decided. The girls looked at her, each considering her words deeply.

"What happens if some of us end up liking them and others don't? Wouldn't the others who go along with phase three just end up jeopardising the relationships of the rest?" Annabelle asked, and everyone nodded at her.

"See, if you just listened to me in the beginning we wouldn't be in this mess," Delilah added, sighing deeply. Everyone just rolled their eyes, because it was easier to be upset than wrong.

"Do you have anything useful to contribute?" Fiona asked, leaning her head on her hand.

"Yes, I do. How about we change phase three. Instead of acting like their worse nightmare, we go with my original idea and just let them down maturely?" Everyone was silent at the suggestion of doing something that was seen mature and well thought out. It was... it was so very unlike them. "What the fuck, are you fucking kidding me, right fucking now?"

Delilah seemed slightly exasperated at her friends, who all just squinted at her, taking her words in very, very slowly.

"I mean we could," Mia dragged out, and Delilah had even begun smiling until it was quickly turned upside down. "Or we could also not."

Fiona made a noise of agreement, Rosetta remained silent and Delilah was about to bang her head against the bench when Annabelle shocked everyone.

"I agree with Delilah, actually." That one sentence had everyone rethinking the entire situation. The Flutter Friends usually just ignored all of Delilah's logical ideas because they were logical and the girls weren't logical, they were stupid. But if Annabelle had decided to take the more logical route, maybe the others could as well.

"I agree with Delilah as well," Fiona said and Mia followed therefore it was a unanimous decision to change phase three to something rational.

"Mia, have you ever thought about, you know, trying to check the Winter Ball?" Annabelle whispered. Mia bit her lip.

She hadn't told anyone about how she had laid in her bed last night, controlling her breathing, picturing darkness, and practising all the techniques her foster parents taught her so she could to try to envision the future but she couldn't. She hadn't seen the future since three years ago.

"I told you guys, my visions are things I can bend and turn off and on whenever I want, they just... happen." Mia sounded defeated and she was. She was tired of all the nights she spent on something that always ended in vain. She was tired of all the nights she spent rereading her mother's journal just to piece any information on how to use her abilities. She was sure her mother had the same ability, her journal proved it but it never went into detail how she managed to see it all, control it, just how cute this girl was and how she hated liking this boy and all the teenage problems that would occur in a journal.

"That's fine, Mia, let's just focus on now rather than the future," Fiona said and they all nodded in agreement. "It's phase two time."


After washing her face and applying lip balm, Mia lay in her bed and stared at her mother's journal. She had thought about rereading it for the umpteenth time but decided against it. She thought about picturing darkness and hoping that something would pop up. When she slept, she did not dream because to dream would mean to see the future. Mia hadn't seen the future for three years.

Mia thought about Daniel, how he was a potential boyfriend to her. Then she remembered her mother's journal again and her mother's many relationships. Her mother knew that the future was written with dried ink yet she always tried to cover it with tipex. And she would constantly complain about how much she wanted to go home. Mia always wondered if she ever got back home. The journal had just ended like all the previous entries had: a broken relationship and a wish for home.

That night, as Mia closed her eyes, she had had her first dream since three years ago.

It was in the celebration hall, but instead of its usual vacancy, it was full of people who were talking, dancing or both. Mia looked around, the letters 'WINTER BALL' taking a window each and she saw Annabelle dancing with Noah. He leaned in to whisper something in her ear and she laughed at it. Mia begun looking for herself. As she went through the labyrinth people, she spotted Delilah and Ronan talking with Fiona and Jasper. That's when she saw herself. She was by the food table (no shocker), talking to Daniel and someone else next to him. When Mia had reached up to herself, she saw that that someone else was none other than Jared Destiny.

Her mouth became very dry all of a sudden and she was about to listen in to the conversation when dream-Mia begun walking away from the two boys quickly. Mia followed dream-Mia outside; whom she had realised was following Rosetta, whom was following a random girl she had never seen before. Mia was about to rush ahead to get a better look at the girl but it all started to fade away and the only think she caught sight of was her ginger hair.

That morning, as Mia opened her eyes, she had had her first hangover since three years ago.

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