Chapter Fifteen

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I was cowering behind a column when the lights suddenly flashed on.

I poked my head out, and saw a large monster. It looked similar to the one who had attacked Maggie with its sword, except it was a lot bigger, and had a large red circle in the middle of his chest.

"Nitro! Maggie!" I called out. "Get behind a pillar!"

"Why?" Nitro argued, yet she darted behind a pillar at my warning.

"There are a ton of pillars. They must be crucial to whatever we're doing here." Maggie butted in.

I crossed my arms in anger. "What are we supposed to do? Is this some sort of boss battle?"

"It can't be, if we don't have anything to fight with," Maggie shrugged.


I looked up to see a figure. It wasn't Nitro nor Maggie, especially because whoever the person was could fly.

Squinting, I let out a gasp. Although I saw her, her very own body laying crippled and crushed, Iris was flying above us.

"This is the weirdest thing I've seen since we got into this mess!" Nitro fumbled for words. "Iris? How did you get here?"

"I'm a spirit now," Iris grinned, stepping down beside me. "And you guys need some help."

"Why are you here? You're... dead," Maggie realized.

"Well, because this maze is so idiotic and stupid, my spirit couldn't be released. So me, Kate, and Logan have all been following you guys. When you find the exit, we're free to go."

"So you can't stay down on Earth with us?" Maggie frowned.

"I'm in a better place- and I'm with Kate. That's all that matters."

"Speaking of Kate, here I am!" Came a voice. Kate tumbled through the wall, shaking her head dizzily. "I've come with my magical abilities to give you... a shotgun!"

"What?" Me, Maggie, and Nitro all cried out. "Kate, I've never understood you, but I didn't think you were this dark."

"No, silly," Kate rolled her eyes. "You're supposed to shoot the monster. When he's dead, an exit will open up somewhere."

I grabbed the object in Kate's hand. "Do you have a crossbow or something less creepy?"

"Fine," Kate's shoulders slumped. "I can give you all rocket launchers."

I was about to protest, but Iris covered my mouth with her hand and shook her head.

After Kate gave Maggie her rocket launcher, she approached Nitro. "Would you like to see Logan?"

"Yes please" Nitro nodded, wiping a tear that had slid down her cheek. "It would make my day."

The wall rippled, and out stumbled Logan. He seemed happier than ever as he waved past both me and Maggie. "Hi Nitro!"

Nitro shuffled closer, a sob escaping her throat, and yet remained behind the pillar as though she were trapped in a cage.

A loud ground-shaking roar made me grip the pillar with both hands. The monster was angry.

"We have to go," Kate and the others began to fade away. "Bye guys."

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