uranus was a side bitch, chaos is my daddy

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I TELL MYSELF; you deserve the night sky to wrap around you like love and/for the sun to shine in your waking/you deserve to kick the earth/and would olive trees sprout/something like athena/but more contemporary so like/those branches are hanging low with the weight of my fruit/fucking multicolor/glitter like fruit/still, name a whole fucking city after me because by zeus aren't i fruital/essence of the earth/swallowing the earth whole soul/my mother/something like gaea/fell inlove with chaos/and out did i sprout from a black hole/I've said this before and I'll say it again/I'm the motherfucking big bang, bitch/i don't care if I'm changing mythology/I'm here to make history and riot my riot of truth/URANUS WAS A SIDE BITCH/chaos is my daddy/that's MY truth/I'm the baby of polar opposites/one a poetic antithesis of the other/i am the explanation and product of unspeakable and head turning passion/loathing/mostly passion/like my mother/you will see me nurse a sheep back to health/like my father/I'll release a pack of wolves on it afterwards because i like the chaotic nature of natures chaos/I AM THE CHAOTIC NATURE OF NATURES CHAOS/sweet like the sound of a baby's rattle/deadly like the bite of a rattle snake/i am deadly night shade/i am white sunshine on a springs day/i will reign hell/i will drink ambrosias with the gods on a cloud shaped like a palace/made of colors i created with the polychromatic smoke that lingers within my lungs/and with that i say;I AM A GOD

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2019 ⏰

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