Chapter VI

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I awkwardly and silently curse myself the minute I realise that I had spoken aloud in astonishment.


A sharp shiver like a block of ice, slides down my neck, the minute my name rolls of his tongue. The strong feeling of loathing runs through me from simply being in the same room as David.

Yet the feeling is quickly converted to joy, as the wounds, and scars, from before are evidently patent on his sickening face.

I cough, in response, my eyes flashing back and forth between him and them.

Lauren gives me the most superior look, she can manage to pull off, raising her head high, and shooting dead, soulless daggers with her eyes, twirling her admirably long, chestnut-brown hair, and tapping her waxed, polished shoes against the floor, rhythmically.

She scoffs, and openly looks at my assigned uniform, with distaste.

"Can't speak now either, huh?" She laughs, mockingly "How pathetic can you get?"

I painfully grind my teeth, resisting the growing urge to shout something back at Lauren... or to hit her.

Her focus strolls off, absent-mindedly, while her eyesight quickly moves from my apparently uninteresting face, to look at something much more interesting like...

Christopher Evans.

The sour expression on Lauren's face drops in a flash, turning into a fake, bitter-sweet smile, fluttering her eyelashes, and messing with her hair non-stop, she makes her way towards Christopher, in what I assume, is supposed to be a seductive manner. Smacking me, and everyone in a ten-mile distance, with the strong fragrance of perfume.

Christopher's eyes go wide as he begins to understand the situation that he's in, and jumps as far away from Lauren as possible, he glimpses at me, with pleading eyes, desperate for help.

I almost laugh in amusement, until I feel a distinctive pair of eyes on my back, as I hear footsteps advancing in my direction. Instinctively, stepping forward, feeling extremely self-conscious and uncomfortable. I snap my head to the side, only to meet David's cold, calculating eyes.

"Christopher, it's been so long" Lauren squeals, excitedly, grappling at Christopher's arm.

"Not long enough."" he grunts, failing to shake his arm loose from her masculine-like grip.

"You're so funny" She giggles, leaning over to grab a menu, giving Christopher a good view of her non-existent cleavage.

"I-I didn't even say anything."

Lauren carries on laughing, overdramatically for about two minutes longer than necessary.

For some weird reason, the minute Lauren starts touching and tries her hardest to get herself all over Christopher a strange unfamiliar rush goes through my head.


No, it's not because of Lauren, it's because of David.

Who is still near me.

His eyes almost burning holes through my back.

"Aren't you supposed to be serving" David snickers, rolling on the balls of his feet, annoyingly.

"Yeah... Everly? Right?" Like every single time she speaks to me, she starts pretending not to know my name. "You do work here, but I never actually see you working here. Shouldn't you be taking orders?"

I grudgingly force my mouth open, and struggle return her fake, flashy smile, while forcing words through my teeth.

"We're closed."

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