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3rd person

          Magnus was relaxing on the couch, martini in hand, while he watched Alec run around the loft frantically planning for the dinner tonight. About to take a sip, Magnus put the glass to his lips, but almost spilled it when he heard banging on the door. Alec stops what he's doing and looks at Magnus. Magnus already halfway to the door smiles at him.

" Alexander relax. I'm an all powerful warlock, what's the worst that can happen." Magnus winked and Alec blushed and looked down. He opens the door, his smile immediately turned into a frown when he saw it. Alec, seeing his look, went over to him and stopped. There stood Raphael, he had bloody tears down his eyes and just looked... well... Broken. Magnus's cat eyes flashed and he pulled Raphael toward him. He turned toward Alec.

" Go in the refrigerator, in the packet under the shelf there's three packets of blood. Get them then warm them in the microwave for 2 minutes and thirty seconds, then bring them to me. Go, now." Magnus's voice was firm and stern when he said this. Alec was kind of scared, but what could he say. Raphael was like his son. Alec went and did what he said as Magnus carried Raphael to the couch. Raphael started sobbing and Magnus just drew him in closer.

"Oh, my dear boy." Magnus said as calmly as he could, although you can hear the anger in his voice. " Who did this to you." Raphael shook his head and buried his head deeper into his neck. Magnus pet his back and listened closely.

"She's dead. I...I never got to say goodbye. Magnus..I..I can't take it." Magnus was confused at first, until it dawned on him. Rosa.  Magnus knows can try to calm his little vampire as much as he could, but he would blame himself nevertheless. " My boy. It's okay. She lived a great life. You made sure of that."

" But I never spent time with her. I-I need more time." Magnus's heart fell, because he could relate to him. But there was nothing but irony in the whole thing was there. They need more time when people die but in the end, they're immortal. They have nothing but time.

"Hey, I got the blood packs." Alec handed them to Magnus, who handed it to Raphael.
"Thank you Alexander. Raphael, your gonna have to eat dear." Raphael shook his head 'no' and Magnus only got him and held him tighter. Alec felt useless because all he did was stand and watch. Alec felt bad for invading their privacy so he asked," Hey do you need anything else before I go in ou- the room."
Magnus was about to say something else when Raphael interrupted him.
"No, we don't need anything from you shadowhunter." His voice came out cold and firm. Magnus gave a sympathetic look. But all Alec did was say "okay" in his "soldier voice" as Magnus called it. Of course Alec didn't mean to sound like this it just happens when he feels vulnerable or on the defense. Raphael sent a cold look to the back of his head as Alec walked off.
" cazador de sombras estúpido" Raphael muttered angrily when Alec was out of sight.
Magnus understanding his grief kept his cool.
"He was just trying to help querido."
"Well he doesn't need to help. He's a Shadowhunter, all he ever does is mess things up."
"Well Alexander is different. He has a heart of gold. As a matter of fact, I think it's about time you two get to know each other." Raphael rolled his eyes at this.
"I've spent plenty of time with his sister. I doubt they're any different from each other."
"Oh trust me, they're different in many ways." Raphael shuddered.
"I don't want to hear anything about your sexual life. It's disgusting enough that the herondale and Isabelle have slept with almost everyone. I don't even want to know what the elder Lightwood had done." Magnus pressed his lips together to refrain saying something he would regret.
"Actually Raphael that is not the case. Alexander hasn't had any sexual intercourse at all."
Raphael's eyebrows went up. "Yeah right. So you're telling me that a 23 year old Shadowhunter is not only a virgin. But also knows nothing about sex in general. I don't believe it for one second."
"I didn't either, but I was shortly proven wrong by things you don't want me to speak on. And how can you say unbelievable? You are 73 years old and still a virgin."
"Well you do have a point."
" As I said before, you and Alec should spend time together today. It will do you both benefits."
"May I ask how."
"Well you will learn to like some shadowhunters and he will learn to trust some vampires. To be honest, he dislikes vampires more than seelies. It will do you two some good."
"Yes well, I guess it will help." At that moment Magnus's phone went off and he frowned.
"Oh dear. It seems that my services are required."
"I'm sorry what?" Raphael said panicking a little.
"Yes. I am afraid that I must leave. It seems like an emergency." Magnus got up quickly.
"Well whatever it is it can wait right? I should be more important than the situation." Magnus looked sadly at Raphael. He bent down to meet his eyes.
"Your right. You tell me if this is worth it. A group of Shax demons broke into the local orphanage, and are killing a lot of the inhabitants." Raphael couldn't help but give in.
" You should go. I'll be here when you get back."
"I'm so sorry my boy. I know you probably think less of me but-"
"No. I could never think less of you. I love you papa."
"I love you too." Magnus smiled.
"But in the meantime...Alexander! Could you come here please." He gave Raphael an evil grin as Alec walked in.
" Hey what's wrong?" Alec asked.
"There was a shax demon attack at an orphanage, so I have to fix it." Alec's eyebrows furrowed.
"Are you sure you don't want me to go with you? Shax demons are very dangerous and cou-"
"Alexander I'll be fine."
" Ok, I wonder why the institute isn't doing anything though." Alec said.
"Well it's because shadowhunters don't care about anyone but themselves." Raphael said cruelly. Alec stayed silent.
"Well ok boys I'll be gone for an hour or two. This gives you two plenty of bonding time."
"Bonding time?" Alec asked with shock.
"Well yes. I want my two boys to get along. See you two later. I'll be expecting a lot from you two when I come back."
"But-" it was too late when Magnus walked out of the door. Alec looked at Raphael who sat up on the couch.
"Well Shadowhunter, start talking." Alec tried not to show his nervousness at this statement.

cazador de sombras estúpido- stupid Shadowhunter.

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