Friendships take effort

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2 hours later

Alec came home a bit later than usual. It would have taken him an hour but for old times sake, he went on a mission with Izzy and Jace. When he opened the door, he could barely wait to get in bed with Magnus (JUST SLEEPING FOR ALL YOU DIRTY MINDED PEEPS). Instead he found a passed out Magnus with Raphael next to him. Looking like crap. Alec got a boost of adrenaline and ran over to Magnus grabbing his hand.
"What Happened?!" Alec asked Raphael. Raphael just shook his head.
"I-I drunk some of his blood...I-I'm sorry." Alec looked up at Raphael with a whole new expression. Raphael had always seen the nephilim pissed or agitated, never mad. But what he saw was Rage. Alec got up and pushed a knife to Raphael's throat.
"Give me one reason why I shouldn't slit your throat right now!" Raphael didn't move or put up a fight.
"I don't have one, I wouldn't blame you if you did." Alec put his blade down slightly.
"Why did you do it. I thought he was like a father to you. Why would you try to kill him."
"I didn't." Raphael said. "For some reasons warlock blood can make a vampire sick, but if you get enough you could die." Alec let his blade down.
"You/you tried to kill yourself? W-why"
"Rosa. My last living relative is gone. I have no one, no reason to go on." Raphael said sadly. Now Alec could see it. All the misery, he couldn't even imagine what Raphael was going through.
"But what about the clan.. your their leader." Raphael locked eyes with Alec.
"The clan will be fine. There will be a new leader, and they will forget me in a couple of years." Raphael replied bitterly
"What about Magnus. Magnus loves you, he would be crushed."
"Magnus will be fine to he has you. He loves you more than me anyway. He's 600 years old he'll get used to it." Alec shook his head.
"No your Magnus' son. Despite all the bad things I hear about you and your clan, Magnus has always proved me wrong. Do you know how much Magnus talks about you?"
"H-he talks about me?" Raphael said with surprise.
"Nonstop." Alec replied," he always says you got your fashion sense from him, your strong, mouthy, and that you and Ragnor should get married." Raphael cracked a small smile.
"But he also says he's scared for you. That your not drinking enough blood, that your getting into to man fights, you go to too many places. "
Raphael looked upset. "I didn't know he worried so much."
"Sometimes he would stay up at night thinking of the trouble you get in. For every good thing he thinks about you, there's 5 other things that he worries about. He loves you." Raphael rubbed his eyes.
"Your right. I can't leave dad here."
"And I know it's weird but you always have me too. I think we should get to know each other better. You can always come to me." Raphael smiled.
"Thanks shadowhunters." Then Raphael held out his hand. Instead of shaking, Alec pulled Him into a hug. Raphael froze for a minute but relaxed and hugged back.
"See. I know my two boys would get along." They looked on the couch and Magnus was awake...we'll sort of. His eyes were half closed and he was smiling a little.
"I'm sorry papa, I didn't mean to hurt you."
"Ah it's ok. But now, can you two carry me to the bedroom. I need my beauty sleep." Raphael smirked and got Magnus taking him to the room. When he came back Alec was flicking through the tv.
"Have you ever heard of Supernatural?" Raphael asked.
"Not really. Want to watch it with me." Raphael smiled.
"Yeah. I think you'll enjoy it. But first I need some food." And with that he turned and went to the kitchen. While he walked off Alec couldn't help but think that this was a spark to a good friendship.

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