15- ski AU

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Whoo another 3 hours. I'm on holiday in the us, and we've been traveling for 4 1/2 hours and now due to wildfires we have another 3 hours to a new place yaaay, also written on an other 5 hour journey yahooo. Anyway this actually happened to me when I when skiing, but I had to take my skis off and walk down, lol. Anyway enjoy my boredom;) .

Ok. You can do this. You're fine ok. Breathe. Oh crap. Castiel  reached the top of the red slope. The rest of his group had already been on it twice, but being the scaredy cat  he was he had opted out, but after a pep talk from his friends Balthazar and Charlie as well as his teacher Ms Naomi he was going to do it. He reached the top and looked down to the blankness. It was a white out the clouds surrounded him so he could barely see in front of him. He had been fine on the easiest blue, nervous on green but now on a red he was petrified. He could feel it creeping up on him. An anxiety attack. Crap.

Castiels P.O.V

No. No this can't be happening not now. Tears begin to spill from my eyes.
No! No! Someone help!help! Please someone help me!
I feel frozen in place.
Gabe!charles!balthy!anyone!luci!mikey! Please! ANYONE!


Cas was frozen in place having a breakdown, while the rest of the group skied past him (Charlie,Balthazar and Gabe are in the next group up. Lucifer and Micheal and in the top group) yelling insults and rude names at him.This was his worst nightmare. Alone in a foreign country on a mountain where he is lost with no way down, having an anxiety attack with no one there to help. As a gust of wind blew, Cas felt himself tremble and shake when the thought occurred to him that if this continued then it may turn into a panic attack or worse The void (see notes). Suddenly he felt a presence.

Castiels P.O.V

I look up to see a boy in front of me. He takes his ski goggles and snood off so I see his face, The first thing that hits me is the fanfiction green eyes their so beautiful! I recognise him as Dean Winchester. He is one of Lucifers friends, despite being the same age as me,16.
"Hey, hey what's your name." He asks
"Ca-Ca-Castiel" I stammer out
"Ok Cas I can see your not ok, can you tell me why and where your group is yeah."
Dean asks me in a calm manner gripping my shoulders to keep me focused on him and not everything else.
"M-my group...bottom. Anxiety..." he cut me off with
"Attack? Ok. Well I'm going to help you get to the bottom yeah! Cool. Right first things first I need you to move forward ok."
I begin to shake and cry more at the thought of moving.
"Oh dear. Ok look I'm here trust me. Just a little, the further we go the easier in twill be to get down. It's a flat plane here so you'll be safe"
I nod and begin to shuffle forwards as he shuffles backwards, after around 2 minuets we stop.
"Ok we're here now. I'm going to ski next to you if anything happens I will stop you, save you or help you. Now your on a red slope so I assume you can turn"
I nod
"Great. Do the biggest and widest turnes you can yeah. This is the hardest and steepest bit you're gonna do ok. We ain't going to the bottom, we're going to cut across to the green next to this and finish down there it's also to where my group is and the cafe with Ms Naomi and the other teachers yeah! You can do this Castiel I promise you I won't let anything happen to you"
I nod and stutter out a thank you. And worriedly push myself into the white unknown. Turn dean yells and I turn we do this a couple more times before we stop at a tunnel witch he nearly goes past, he laughed at this and told me I clearly was better than him. After going through the small tunnel and down the green slope we reach a bench where we take off our skis and helmets. At this point I'm still shaking. So Dean Hugs me to get me to calm down I guess. I berry my head in his neck and cry.

As we stand up to leave for the early bus (he got permission because of me) when the world went colder and black.

Deans P.O.V

I saw this kid stood shaking on the mountain in a white out, with our school helmet on (we didn't have these:( )and I motioned to Luci and Luci's boyfriend Micheal that I was stopping. And skied up to the kid. He was panicking I could tell and the damn adult and group left him, basterds. My instructor was actually really nice, so thanks to her. I helped him down, I had to admit he was cute, even under ski goggles and like 50 layers, I wondered where his snood was but it was probably drying from yesterday's white out. As we stood up he fainted, me being me caught him. He didn't wake up and I got really worried I knew all about panic and anxiety attacks I had had them when I lived with my dad, John. I carried him to the teachers, they tried to take him from me but for some reason I wouldn't let them, I felt the need to protect him, eventually they let up go back, according to the doctor he was ok and just really scared.


Castiel woke up to a dark room that wasn't his and he started to panic! at the disco and the person next him woke up, and hugged him calming him down, well trying to but that made him even more scared. Soon he pulled back and in the dim light Castiel could make out Deans face and he calmed down when Dean explained that he was in here with dean because Sam went to sleep with Gabe and his bed was mostly candy wrappers so they had to go to Deans.
They stayed up talking and learning about each other quickly becoming good friends.

Omc. This took forever but it's 1200 words! Anyway can you tell I struggled to end this. As for the Void, it's a place between fine and a panic attack, I call it this, when it happened to me I felt like crying but I couldn't a was in fear but could talk I felt faint but didn't. Really the scariest thing is that I couldn't calm myself down enough to be ok, so I knew I had to go into an panic attack which was the scariest thing. Any way hope you enjoyed this piece of crap! And tell me if you wanna read a part 2 to this!

Bye bye little butterflies

Love Atoms

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