Babysitting Three Kids

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¿Kathrine Wallace?

Pinkerton Agent, V.P.

When Benny told me he had to go speak with his old friend Head Detective Arthur Radley I was ecstatic. That was, until he told me Alex was going to stay behind. Sure we had just shaken hands and were now technically partners, but I was like Sherlock and he was Watson, he would slow me down and I don't have time for friends.

I grumbled and decided I would busy myself with research while the girls watched a movie series I had never seen but heard of a few years back.

It was about three in the afternoon and I was listening to those voices that haunted my dreams. They spoke of something so earth shattering as if they were talking about the weather.

The girls were putting in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone as Alex came in, just after I put the recording away. "So, why are those people after you?" He asked and sat on the bar stool next to me. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"I was on a mission, a simple find and destroy mission. But my partner didn't do his job, he simply disappeared. As the bomb exploded I ran for an exit and heard voices. They were talking about something but I was interrupted by two goons with a knife. I escaped with five scars and a whole lot of bruises. The last thing I heard those voices say was an order. To find and kill me." I said and stood up, deciding to watch Harry Potter.

Alex and I ended up sitting on the couch, he was astounded that I had never seen Harry Potter, I said I didn't have time for kiddie movies.

By the third movie the girls were falling asleep. "Should we turn the movie off since they aren't watchi-" he began to ask but I put a finger on his mouth and said, "Shhhhhhhhh."

He rolled his eyes and we ended up staying up all night watching the movies. After the Half-Blood Prince, I was crying and deep in denial saying, "He's only pretending in order to keep Harry safe!!!"

"Of course he's pretending Katie, he's an actor." Benny said as he walked in through the front door and carried his granddaughters to their rooms.

After Deathly Hallows Part 1, I was still crying and mumbling, "The world couldn't handle Doby's amazingness, that's why he fell asleep for a long long time."

Alex was nodding off during Deathly Hallow's Part 2 and when it ended I poked him and told him to put the next one on. He squinted at the screen and smiled in relief. "That was the last one." He said and my mouth opened and my eyes widened.

"What?! No!" I exclaimed and shook him back and forth. "You're lying you monster!" I exclaimed and he laughed and said, "No, no I'm not. I thought you said Harry Potter was for kids." He smirked at me and I glared at him playfully. "Shut up....."

He laughed and then he chose the deleted scenes. It was probably like six or seven in the morning now and I finally fell asleep, Alex's arm around my shoulder.

•Detective Alexander Radley•

Badge 17726

Kate fell asleep with her head on my shoulder and I smiled slightly down at her. Then Benny walked in, thinking we were asleep and turned CSI:Miami on. He glanced over at Kate and smiled then jumped when he saw I was awake.

We both laughed softly and Kate mumbled in her sleep, "Avada Kedavra."

Looks like someone's going to Azkaban, I thought and could imagine Kate shaking her head and saying, 'No, I'm allowed to say those spells 'cause I'm part of Dumbledore's Army!!!'

We only laughed harder and Benny smiled at me. "Thank you for taking care of my granddaughters."

I smiled back and said, "No problem. I'm used to babysitting two kids, but three kids is nice for a change."

Benny raised an eyebrow then it dawned on him and he laughed, shaking his head.

"She hasn't had time to sit down in so long, always running. I think you two will be good partners." Benny said to me and I sighed.

"That is if she lets me even close enough to help her." I said and he looked down at her.

"Don't worry, I think you two are closer than you both realize." He said and just before I was about to ask him how he met Kate, he turned the tv off and walked back his room.

I looked down at Kate and smiled before nodding off again. Every once in a while I could faintly hear Kate muttering Avada Kedavra, Crucio or Imperio.

I only smiled, happy to be here and happy to help Kate fight her battle against...well, I don't know.

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