Winning a Battle but Loosing a War

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¿Kathrine Wallace?

Pinkerton Agent, V.P.

I took deep breaths trying to fall asleep. If Nathan was right I had been here for nearly three months. Every day it was always the same, I slowly began to give up then suddenly I wouldn't back down. I had to get it together.

"It won't work, Kate doesn't care about him." Nathan said to someone as he rushed behind them. "Shut up son, it'll work." A woman snapped and I gasped. Nathan said he was an orphan. "Nathan?" I called out and I heard him rush towards the thick metal door.

"Yes?" He said and I heard the woman yell at him but ignored it. "Who's that? What's going on?" I asked and could just see him debating with himself. "Katie...I've found my mother." He said happily and I laughed softly. "You mean she's alive?" I asked angrily. He could have found me easily but he didn't have a family, why should I? He practically admitted that he killed my family to make me feel like how he did and suddenly his mom is alive?

"Nathan!" His mother shouted angrily and he called out, "Coming mother!" and ran off to where the woman was headed off to. I sighed and fell to my knees in frustration. Who did they have? Brody? I thought to myself and felt tears in my eyes at even the thought. No...he was gone for good. It seemed everyone I loved was gone....


Today I was really put to the test. It was either my life or a strangers. If he won I would be dead, if he lost I would loose my only advantage, I would literally be forced to tell them what I knew.

We went deep into the building, were the basement stood in all it's glory. It stank, but it looked just like a training camp I had gone to to save young mens' lives. It was kill or be killed there, and I felt myself frowning the father we went in.

Dimly lit, it was hard to see, or even walk without stepping in something. I was told we were both given knives and heard the steel door lock. The only sound was my heavy breathing and the lights flickering. My heartbeat filled my ears as adrenaline coursed through my veins, or was that someone running.

Getting in a fighting stance I leaned on a green column, the paint faded and chipped. Pulling the hood from my jacket over my face enough to hide my eyes I frowned. Whenever I went to a fight I was better to never see the persons face. If I saw it I'd know who I'd be against, and I always thought it better to go blindly. I closed my eyes and listened. A man was running, breathing heavily, and was nervous. "Hello?" I called out in a higher pitch opening my eyes. His running stopped, then grew louder as he started running towards me.

The man had shaggy brown hair that peeked out from his black hood, his face hidden along with the rest of his body. I stayed where I was trying to study the man who then struck at me with his knife. I blocked his swing and held the blade in my fingers, pushing it towards him. I gritted my teeth as he struggled to push it towards me, an open cut now seeping warm blood out of my shaking hand. I hadn't been in combat for so long, I realized I missed it.

Finally winning his knife I tossed it as far away as possible and began blocking all of his attacks, hitting him lightly on his stomach and chest, hard enough to hurt but nothing critical. I couldn't kill him, I couldn't kill anyone and that was the truth. Finally I simply leaned my right shoulder back and punched him as hard as I could, then watched him fall to then floor.

It went that way for days on end, neither dying, only fighting until someone fell. We only saw each other down there, and it was only our silhouettes.

But every time just as I knelt by his side to see who he was the door opened and I was carried out, left to wonder who this mysterious man was.


I smiled slightly as a thought about my brilliant plan. Didn't give them what they wanted but still followed their rules. It was brilliant really, even though it was exhausting.

Every day the same thing, wake up, eat, fight, bandage cuts, eat, nap, eat, then sleep. Over and over and over again. But today we were locked in, and the only way out was if someone died, and to make it easier for him I was blindfolded.

But I refused to kill him. Sitting on the ground I heard the hooded man walk and stand in front of me, probably towering above be and looking down at me, his face no doubt masked by the shadows. "Well aren't you going to sit down?" I asked looking up at him, or at least where I thought he was. I heard a scuffle and soon we were talking, his voice deep and gruff while mine was high and smooth.

We seemed to have a lot in common, yet neither of us really gave away an information that could give us away. He liked dogs while I preferred wolves. He liked cops I liked spies. He preferred guns while I used anything I could get my hands on. He had no clue why he was here, and I couldn't stop thinking about it.

He had been in love once, a beautiful women who fell into his life. She was full of mystery and hated herself yet was nothing but a good person. How she had nothing but loss on her life and how he knew if she gave him a chance all that would change. How whenever she frowned he would make her smile, when she cried he offered his shoulder, and how he would do anything for her. But just when he thought they were about to be something she was brutally ripped out of his life.

I had been engaged. But that didn't work out. He turned out to be full of lies and was monster. But then I had met someone. A great guy who made me laugh and smile. I always pushed him away but after a while didn't want to. I had been enbarresed to even think that he had grown on me. But then one day I realized how I felt. He put up with my crazy antics and tried to save me countless times even though I pretended I didn't need it. Then when I thought we had actually made progress in our rocky relationship we were torn apart.

He asked what the man's name was. I gulped and paused. Was I ready to admit it? Even if it's just a stranger? "His name was Alex. He was a cop." I whispered. Then the basement door swung open the loud bang ricocheting throughout the room. The guards rushed to me and lifted me up and towards the doors. "What was her name?" I called out curiosity eating me alive. "Her name was Kate! She was...she was amazing..." He shouted, the last words barely heard now as I was carried off. The door slammed behind me and I let the guards carry me as I replayed what had just happened. Could it be?

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