Information to Kill For

70 4 0

•Detective Alexander Radley•

Badge 17726

I sat in a booth by the window keeping my head down and looking out at the street in the corner of my eye. My fingers lightly drummed on the table and I glanced at my watch. 2:34, they were four minutes late. I had called them at 2:20 and they said be here in ten minutes.

I was about to get up and order something, ask them to change the song, anything to calm my nerves. But then a black SUV pulled up. I looked around and saw that this place was empty, even the people in the kitchen had disappeared.

Two men who reminded me of Agent K and Agent J came in and sat across from me. "You Alex Radley?" Agent K asked me and I nodded. "Where's Kathrine?" Agent J questioned me leaning towards me and glaring slightly. "Nathan took he-"

"Nathan?" Agent K butted in and I nodded. "Nathan Winchester kidnapped us and has Kate just a few blocks from here, I can show you the way." I nodded quickly and was pulled into the passenger seat which annoyed Agent J even more. "So who are you?" I asked Agent K who was driving. "If I told you, I would have to kill you."

I just nodded my head and directed them to the alley I was tied up in twenty minutes ago and saw it was empty. I was told to stay in the car while they checked any near warehouses and they came back studying me suspiciously. "These places are empty!" Agent J exploded angrily and this time Agent K was pretty mad too. "What? No! They were here!" I said before the tossed me in the back of the van and sped off, not being careful of the cargo in the back.

¿Kathrine Wallace?

Pinkerton Agent, V.P.

The rest of the trip I sat cross legged in the middle of all the guards surrounding me. My mouth had been bound again and I kept my eyes closed. With every slight movement or soft sound my eyes would snap open and I'd give a fierce look to the guard who made that sound or move and he'd gulp and look away.

I seemed to intimidate all the guards in the back which was a small comfort as I was plummeting to my death, any moment I would be killed, as soon as they knew what I had heard and if I had told anyone. The guards grips on each arm were a bit softer, as if afraid if they held too hard I'd bite them. "There are about fifty-four ways I could escape right now." I said, my words muffled by the cheap cloth tightly knotted behind my head. They jumped slightly, as if I had said some witch voodoo and, not knowing exactly what I had said, they tightened their grip. "Make that fifty-three." I muttered and they quickened their pace, eager to get rid of me.

They carelessly tossed me into a small dimly light room after I was dragged throughout the large warehouse that made every footstep echo. There were only select lights on so one could only see their way to one place; my little smelly room. I squinted and, now free of my bindings, made my way to the small squeaky cot. Letting out a sigh, I leaned against the wall and heard the lock slowly click in place. This would be my home for however long I had left, I realized. I had never said goodbye to anyone I loved, Benny or Grace and Lily, or any of my family...or Alex.

I let out a sick and hoarse laugh. "Well this is the way to go. First arsenic poisoning to my mom so it would look like cancer, then cantharidin for my dad so it looked like his kidneys failed, then you use one of GM's faulty cars to crush Cindy, then simply learn Brody's schedule and cut his breaks. How is my story going to end Nathan? Suicide? Natural Cause? Random Mugging?" I called out, breaking the silence and the door was slowly unlocked and Nathan walked in.

"We're about to find out." He glared and stepped to his left, letting about twelve guards come in to the already crammed room. Soon I was being forcefully dragged out of the room and into a blinding light. "Tell us everything Kate and we won't hurt anyone." Nathan said softly and held my face in his hands, looking at me like he used to. "I little too late for that." I growled and his grip tightened, as though he was trying to crush the information out of my brain. "I will tell you nothing." I said and spat in his furious face.

He angrily pushed me back and an iron grip seized my throat lifting me off my feet, the air leaving my lungs empty. I gasped for air and clawed at the guards massive hands. He dropped me and I gasped for air, thankful for relief, which didn't last long. Pain coursed through my veins as I was stabbed in the neck by something. I let out a deafening scream, feeling as though I was being burnt alive. Then my gaze grew hazy and I toppled over, laying motionless.

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