Chapter Fifteen

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After much thrashing, running, and discomfort, there was a pause. No movement. No sound. I opened my eyes, praying that the person holding me would be Raoul, who would comfort me along with Christine and tuck me in as if I were a child again.

My eyes met with a familiar face, but not one I wanted to see. The mask that he wore made me shudder.

I stared at him as I caught my breath from all of the running, him doing the same. His eyes were staring deeply into my mine, as if my eyes were the last book on earth, and he was desperate to read something before the end of time.

When I looked around, I found myself in his lair. I gave a small whimper and crumpled to the floor, sitting on one knee. A hand was over my mouth, the other resting on my floor for support as I began to sob.

This horrid place... I saw it every night in my sleep during the time he didn't appear. It was my own living hell, a prison where I'd be kept by a hellish man like him. Now I was back to the place that I saw in my nightmares. I took off the gloves that I wore, pressing one against my face as I cried. I couldn't help it.

A hand lightly touched my head, and I jumped, crying harder as I realized who was touching me.

"Mon amour..." His beautiful voice was very close. The hand on my head left, and went on my waist, as did another hand. Very gently, as if I were porcelain, I was pulled to him.

My face was against his chest, my hands on the vest he wore. I wanted to push him away so badly. I was pulled to my feet and brought closer to him. One of the hands on my waist grasped my hand, intertwining our fingers. I felt a pair of lips against my knuckles. Then, he softly began to sing my own song.

Listen my child,
You say to me
I am the voice of your history
Be not afraid,
Come follow me,
Answer my call
And I'll set you

As he sang, I realized something. This was the reason why I fell for him in the first place. His talent. When I heard him play the piano with my music, I was smitten, but now hearing his voice, my entire body shuttered.

His voice was something made from God. It was as sweet and smooth as honey. It made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Hearing it was like watching the first snowfall of the year: a bit of a shock, but the more you see of it, it was hard to take yourself away from observing it. How delicate it can be, but it can be destructive, too.

His hands moved up and down my waist as he sang, lightly caressing it. They traveled up my back, and down again. My shoulders were lightly touched, his fingers lightly massaging them. It was so blissful and relaxing. My arms found their way around his torso, and I did the same action that he was doing to me.

Almost immediately, he stopped singing. My eyes opened as I pulled away, staring into his. He placed his forehead against mine, quietly singing once more.

I couldn't resist my sudden urges. My lips quickly found his, lightly colliding with them. He was a bit shocked, but very quickly placed his hands on my waist. His large hands lightly squeezed at my torso, and my arms went around his neck.

"Do. Not. Trust. Him." Christine's words flooded my mind. My heart ached as I realized I was betraying her, but the feeling of his lips gently moving against mine was heavenly.

One of the Phantom's hands lightly tilted my chin up, pulling away from the kiss. His eyes scanned my face, searching for any fear or discomfort.

I buried my face into his shoulder and cried. I was so confused, angry, scared, and in love all at the same time. I was also extremely exhausted. He must've read my actions and I was swept off my feet, being gently carried.

I was set down on a beautiful, swan shaped bed. A soft comforter was placed over me, and I nuzzled my face into the pillows, silent tears running down my face. I wanted to sleep, but my fear and guilt was getting the best of me. 

His hand ran up and down my back, and I tensed, but eventually relaxed. The hands lightly stroked my hair, fingers running through my coppery red locks. It was such a calming feeling, and it made me cry harder.

I knew that I shouldn't be in love with him. He was a sadistic murderer and clearly mentally unstable, but, he was also a broken man. I felt sympathy for him, and hatred as well. I eventually fell asleep.

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