Chapter Sixteen

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I slowly woke up, brushing my hair behind my ear. As I stood up, my heart dropped.

I was in this wretched place again. The damp smell of the lake wafted into my nostrils, making me cringe slightly. The dress that I had worn for the masquerade felt heavy as walked into the Phantom's lair.

He sat at his organ, writing profusely. He was so concentrated that he didn't even hear me get up. I looked around and found a small plate of food.

Grapes, baguette, cheese, and strawberries sat on the delicate china, with a small card that had my name written on it. I assumed it was for me. I picked at a couple of grapes, but I wasn't very hungry.

I took a few slices of the bread and quietly walked over to the Opera Ghost and his organ. I gently placed the pieces next to him. At last, he looked up at me. He seemed exhausted, calm, content, and slightly annoyed (most likely because I interrupted him).

"Sorry..." I said quietly. "I'm not sure how long you've been working, but I just wanted to make sure you had a bite to eat." I gave a weak smile and walked to the bed.

I sat down, staring at my clasped hands. I didn't want to be here. This was the last place I wanted to be. But my mind drifted to the kiss I shared last night...

It was complete bliss. My heart was so full of love and admiration for this man, and the kiss we was absolute heaven for me. It made me feel secure. Loved. Worshipped.


I remember how I felt as a young child, watching Carlotta on stage as she wowed the audience with her voice. All I wanted to do was push her of stage and be able to be appreciated as greatly as she was for once in my life. Just have someone recognize my talent and my abilities.

But he did.

He saw me as a Prima Donna. Someone who should have the spotlight at all times. It was such an unfamiliar feeling to be admired like that. I longed to be looked up to the way he did.

I felt a gloved hand gently rest under my chin. My eyes gazed up at the man who gently held my face. The hand lightly took mine, pulling me up.

I stood before him, at least a head shorter than him. He was an extremely tall man, most likely over six foot. I gulped as he stared at me, his hand caressing my cheek. My eyes dropped to the floor, blushing madly.

"Beautiful..." The rich voice of the Phantom made me noticeably shiver. I heard him chuckle at my movement.

My face was tilted up once more, and my lips were met with his. I tensed at his touch, not wanting to enjoy it, but the feeling was heavenly. His lips slowly moved against mine, his large hands pulling me even closer than we already were.

The way I was touched was so gentle and passionate, and I longed for the moment to last forever. I let out a small squeak as his hands trailed up and down my waist. My hand traveled to the revealed part of his face, which was covered in surprisingly smooth skin.

I made small circles with my index finger against his cheek, and I was pulled somehow even closer. My torso was against his, his hands on my waist, lips against lips, it was pure bliss.

I pulled away, staring deep into his eyes. I hung my head, silent tears running down my face. Dropping to my knees, I felt a flash of guilt rush through me.

"Mon amour..." The Opera Ghost knelt down to meet me. He grasped my hand, but I pulled it away, sobbing harder.

"I want to go home." I whispered. "I need to." The uncovered portion of his face became firm, but quickly softened.

"This is your home, my dear." He whispered. "Well, until your performance. Then, you may return to your normal life, but I shall visit you for lessons." I looked up him, my face stained with tears.

"You promise?" I quietly asked. His gloved hand lightly stroked my face.

"Of course, my beauty." I smiled at the Phantom's promise.

"Thank you, so, so much." I threw my arms around his neck, embracing him.

"We must rehearse. Your performance is in two days." The Opera Ghost said.

"Sì." I stood up, a smile on my face. Freedom will soon be mine.

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