•Chapter 5•

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*End Of School*

Austin's POV:
As soon as I heard the bell ring, I jumped up out of my seat and raced out of the classroom. I needed to find Ally. Not anyone else. I don't need anything right now. Nothing, except the girl I fell in love with. The girl who lights my darkness... The girl who's heart I broke... I hate myself for this. For putting even more drama in her life. All I need is her forgiveness.

I know right now she probably hates me. And it hurts me to realize that that might be true. I swung my backpack over my shoulders and slammed my locker door shut. I walk quickly down the hallway, avoiding any conversation with anyone. I burst through the school doors and look around. Ally isn't anywhere in sight. Then there's only one more place I know she'd be. I start to make my way away from school and head down the street towards the old worn down building.

Ally's POV:
I sat on the cement window ledge of an open part in the wall. I looked out over the city. The breeze blew my hair gently out of my face. I may seem calm, but inside so many emotions are running rapidly around everywhere. Hurt. Scared. Lonely. Worthless. Tired. Blank. Exhausted. Everything else revolving around those main feelings. But the one thing, the one feeling that I can pull the most out of, is heartbroken.

I just, don't understand why Austin would do this to me. He knows that I suffer enough. I tell him everything. And then he decides to make out with the girl that hates me most. It just gets me so upset. But, at the same time, I'm not even mad at him. I can't blame him if he doesn't want anything to do with me anymore. I mean, why would he want to hang around with a girl who has no friends, no talents, no beauty, and no life worth living for? I just came back here for peace.

I'm not in the same room I was in yesterday. That room was usually "my" room. Meaning my usual room. It's the one I go to everyday after school. Which also means that's the first room Austin will check. If I luck out, he'll just check that room and not any others. But knowing him, he won't stop 'til he finds me. I still had Austin's sweater on from this morning. I had it unzipped. I grabbed ahold of both open sides and wrapped the sweater more around me. I know I'm angry with Austin. But I still at least appreciate that he gave me this sweater. It had his scent on it.The scent of an ocean breeze that relaxes you.

I snuggled into it. I longed for him to be with me. But at the same time I wanted him away. It's complicated. I hate when I have emotions like this. It makes me confused. Because if one of these things happen, then ill want the other one more. Like right now. Austin hasn't shown up yet, which makes me want him here. Thats when I suddenly heard footsteps jogging through the halls. Maybe I spoke too soon. I didn't look behind me at all, I just continued to listen as the footsteps grew softer, then louder, then softer, then louder. I stared off into the distance of the town. Then, after a minute or two, I heard slow footsteps walk into the room. I still didn't look back. Because I knew exactly who was standing there.

Austin's POV:
As I walked into the building and up into Ally's usual room, I found that she wasn't there. That got me worried. I then decided to check all of the other rooms. I don't care if she doesn't want to talk. I just need to know that she's safe. I ran around the entire building trying to look for her. I checked the entire first floor and the entire second floor. She was nowhere to be found. Then I came all the way up to the third floor. I was breathing heavily from running around everywhere. I slowed down into a small jog as I looked through all of the rooms.

Then, a room at the end of the hall caught my eye. I don't think I've checked that one yet. I jogged over to it and noticed that it had no door. I just walked through the doorway, and then I saw her. She was sitting on a window ledge. There wasn't even a window attached. It was just a big square home in the walls leading outside. But it was still on the third floor. If you jump out there, bad things could happen. I swallowed hard, then slowly made my way closer to her. I slide my backpack off my shoulder and set it down right next to hers. I made my way over to the windowsill.

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