•Chapter 6•

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*At The Hospital*

Austin's POV:
I sat by Ally's side and never left. After the whole wrecking ball incident, she showed me the swollen bruise on her ankle. I had carried her all the way to the hospital so they could take a look at it. She fell asleep on the way. Right now I'm sitting in her hospital room right by her bed. She is still asleep, but I don't care. I am not leaving her side.

I carefully slipped my hand into hers and gave it a gentle squeeze. I stroked the top of her hand with my thumb. I stared down at her and watched her sleep. Her breathing seemed to be back to normal. It was probably from breathing in all of that dust on the cement. I sat by Ally for a few more minutes, and that's when I heard her door slowly open up. I turn my head to see the doctor walk in. She gave me a light smile.

Doctor: Hello sir. :) 'she says quietly'

Austin: *gives a weak smile* Hi.

Doctor: I just ran through Miss Dawson's x-rays. The bones in her ankle are somewhat dislocated but we shouldn't have a problem fixing that up. We'll need to put a cast on her leg and she'll probably be in crutches for the next 1 to 2 weeks.

(A.N. I know that seems unrealistic but I guess we'll just go with it)

Sadness drowned inside of me, but I slowly nodded my head.

Austin: Okay. Thank you.

Doctor: *nods and smiles* Your welcome dear. Would you like a glass of water or anything?

Austin: *shakes his head* No I'm good, thanks.

She gave me another smile, then walked back out of the room. I felt a small squeeze in my hand. I turned to Ally. She was moving a little bit. She stretched out her arms with her hand still in mine. Then she relaxed herself. Her eyelids slowly opened up. She blinked a few times, probably just to refocus, then she smiled up at me.

Ally: Hey. :) 'she said in her sweet, just waking up voice'

Watching her smile made me smile as wide as I could.

Austin: Hey. :)

She looked at me, then she started to take a look around the room.

Ally: Where are we?

Austin: At the hospital. 'he says quietly'

She turned back to me.

Ally: What did they say?

Austin: *sighs* Your probably gonna be in crutches.

Ally: For how long?

Austin: 1 to 2 weeks.

She lied back in bed and stared up at the ceiling. She shut her eyes and let out a long sigh.

Ally: Great. Just what I need.

I slowly slumped in my chair and squeezed her hand. She opened her eyes and turned her head towards me again. She gave me a crooked smile.

Ally: Well, I guess this is my fault.

I furrowed my eyebrows at her.

Ally: We both knew that building was under construction. And they were gonna knock it down any day.

I just stared at her with regret running all around in me. I watched her sit in that hospital bed for about 2 hours while she was sleeping. And all that ran through my head was regret. I guess I was showing my sadness a little more than I thought. I felt Ally squeeze my hand. I looked over at her.

Ally: What is it?

I sat up a little straighter and scooted my chair closer to her bed. I let go of her hand and leaned over her. I then brought my right hand to her forehead. I stroked the surface gently with my thumb. She stared up at me, clearly confused.

You're The Only One (An Auslly FanFic) *On Hold*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin