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Zach's POV

I can't believe he proposed! I'm so excited I can't even contain my girly squeals, jumping around excitedly. Rafe walked in and chuckled at me. "Are you still squealing princess?" He teased and I huffed. "Shut your face, I'm excited." I pouted before doing a little dance, wiggling my bum.

Rafe smirked and swatted my butt lightly, making me squeal out. "Rafe!" I pouted my lips and he grinned, pecking my lips. "That's mine." He cooed. I huffed. "Noooo. It's mine. And you're grounded from the booty! Go sit in the corner and think about what you did wrong." I said with a huff, sitting on the bed. Rafe smirked yet again and crawled onto the bed in front of me. "Aww cmon babe, don't be like that." He whispered seductively.

I huffed and crossed my arms, I wasn't about to give into him yet. He pulled me into his lap and kissed behind my ear softly. "Cmon babe, you know you wanna give in." He murmured in a voice that made shivers go down my spine. Although he was completely turning me on, I just couldn't give in. He tried to claim my butt! My butt is mine! Rafe gently took my glasses off my face and tilted my head up towards him.

"So beautiful. If only I knew a way to make you give in." He said innocently. My eyes widened. He wouldn't. Rafe smirked. "If you're gonna play dirty, I'll play right back." He murmured. I whined lightly. "No fair!"

Rafe let out a snort. "Last time I checked, we don't play fair babe." He sat me down on the bed and spread my legs out, making my eyes widen. I tried closing my legs but he was just too strong.

"Uh uh uh, babe, you know that only gets you in more trouble," He cooed in his sexy voice.

I bit my lip and muttered again, "Y-You wouldn't.." Cursing the stutter in my voice. But alas, he didn't seem to hear me as he was too busy undoing the button and zipper of my pants. A small whimper made its way out of my lips as I squirmed around. This made him squeeze the slight bulge in my pants, making me bite down on my lip hard. 

If I made a single sound he knew that meant I was giving in, but there's no way I'm doing that! He smirked slightly. "Cmon baby. Just one little sound and I win." He cooed into my ear, biting down my neck as he pushed my boxers off. I shivered slightly at the slight breeze brushing over my newly bare skin. 

Rafe slowly made his way down my neck, chest, and stomach, peppering kisses and small bites all down my body. My teeth were practically carving into my lower lip as I bit into it, trying not to give into the sexy man that was soon to be my husband. 

His hot breath gently fanned onto the small bites he left along my thighs, making goosebumps break out all over my skin. "R-Rafe, s-stop." I whined out, not sure if I, or my little "friend" could handle this teasing much longer. He smirked up at me sexily. "What? Can you not handle the heat?" He purred out lowly. 

A small whine then slipped out as I shook my head quickly. "Good, that means it's working." He murred, licking a hot stripe up my manhood, making my hips twitch, eager to move, but eager not to give in either. My member was already weeping from all the teasing he had done to me, my body squirming around from frusturation. 

"Cmon little man, all you gotta do is..." He came a little closer to my ear, "Give in." He murmured deeply. biting onto the shell of my ear, I couldn't handle it anymore as a small moan made its way out of my lips. 

Rafe then growled lowly. "My name." He said in my ear. His sexy growl made me release another moan in the form of his name as I gripped onto his back roughly. He smirked and slid down my body, licking yet another hot and wet stripe up my weeping cock before taking it into his mouth fully. 

I gasped out loudly and gripped his hair hard, thrusting up into his mouth with sweet moans slipping out of my lips. He took me all the way to the edge before pulling back, causing me to whine loudly, and move my hips in desperation. 

"R-rafe! Don't tease me like this!" I cried out, desperate for his contact. He growled lowly. "Tell me who you belong to. Tell me who's the only one who can touch you like this. Who makes you moan their name out?" 

I gripped onto his back hard, clawing it slightly. "You Rafe! You! You're the only one who can have me like this!" I cried out, squeaking and moaning as he started to stroke me roughly and quickly, my climax quickly approaching. My seed spurted out all over his chest, his name making its way out of my lips multiple times.

"Rafe!" I moaned out, digging my nails into his back as I rode my high out. Rafe purred softly as he licked my seed off of himself. "Mmmm, you taste so good." He cooed lowly in my ear, making me whine lightly and slap his shoulder. 

"Shush you, I'm not ready for another round." I murmured tiredly. He chuckled softly and kissed my forehead softly. "Rest my love, and we may just pick this up tomorrow." He winked playfully, making me blush brightly and flick his nose. 

He chuckled softly and laid in front of me as I cuddled into his back, smiling proudly as I saw the scratches down his back that I had made. "Hey Rafe, don't take your shirt off in public for a while. People will know how rough I get." I cooed teasingly before getting up and going to take a shower.

I heard his small chuckle ring out from behind the door. By the time I got out he had fallen asleep in bed. I smiled softly and curled up in bed with him, falling asleep happily next to my love.... Gosh, I should really give in more often if it'll lead up to this. 


Yay! I finally finished this after procrastinating for like, forever. Yeah I know the ending sucks a bit, but oh well, I still finished it! Now two more to go -_- Great. 

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