Chapter 1

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Welcome to the first chapter. This will be different from my other book in many ways so yeah, enjoy!

        Add had nothing to fear. The El Search Party was nowhere near him and they had no idea how or where to find his secret laboratory. He didn't need to hide his appearance from anyone at all. Everyone knew who he was but no one dared to bother him.

      Yes, Add was only thirteen years old at the moment, but he already had a reputation. Most people who faught him for simply being himself usually ended up losing badly.

      As Add walked down the streets of Elder, everyone avoided him like they would a plague. Add liked it that way. He could go where he wanted to and if anyone from the El Search Party were to show up, he'd simply go to his hidden laboratory. He thought about how fortunate he was but his thoughts were suddenly interrupted.

      Someone had run into him, a girl to be specific. He didn't mean to, but he caught her before they both fell to the ground. He and the girl quickly recovered from the fall, but before Add could say anything else, the girl took off after muttering an apology to him. She was too fast, so Add wasn't able to stop her. As soon as he turned back around, he was met by a group of Red Knights. They stopped when they saw him. Add could tell that all of them were older than him by at least five years, yet Add saw the flash of fear that showed up in their eyes.

        "Where is she?! She was working for you wasn't she?!" one shouted. Another just glared at Add and drew his sword. Any civilians in the area scattered quickly, probably noticing that a fight was about to break out. Of course the Red Knights would challenge him. They always did and they always lost and sent a message to the El Search Party.

      Add looked at them in annoyance. There were five of them and they were obviously after the girl that he'd just run into. Well, technically she'd ran into him.

        "What do you people want? All I'm doing is walking," Add said as he studied the knights with a bored expression. They didn't seem to care what it was that he was doing. They had their swords ready for a battle although Add didn't feel like fighting at the moment. In fact, he was headed home before all of this happened.

        "You are already a fugitive of the law. If you cooperate and tell us where the girl is, we might be able to shorten your sentence. You are still a child afterall so you can't be charged as an adult yet," one of the Red Knights, who must have been the leader, said.

      Accusing him of having something to do with a stranger had already annoyed him. Then these people called him a child and told him to cooperate with them. Were they out of their minds? Add just tilted his head at them, the bored expression still present. One of the knights seemed upset by his action.

      Before anything could actually happen though, something dropped between the two of them. Add recognized it as nasod technology of some sort. It came to a stop, and for a second, all six of them stood there and watched it. That was...until it exploded. It was only a smoke bomb, but the smoke spread rather quickly. Add sensed another presense among them and someone suddenly grabbed his arm and began to pull him away.

        "What the.." Add was saying in protest but he was cut off by the same voice he'd heard earlier. The girl who had muttered the apology to him. He recognized her voice.

       "Quiet, or they'll find our location and follow us," she whispered. The girl pulled him along and he decided to go with her since he didn't want to stay with the Red Knights. They were running now and they had already exited the smoke. The girl had his hand and pulled him along with her as she ran. She seemed to be around his age and she was actually pretty. Add couldn't help but notice this as he studied her and took note of the tattoo that was around her wrist.

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