Chapter 11

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Now that things have gotten a little more complicated, what will Add do now? Well, let's find out.

        She was asleep so Add had to watch Elsword now. The red headed boy kept his gaze down on the floor. He didn't have his weapon with him so he couldn't fight back in the best way that he could. Almost a week had passed. He and (y/n) had decided to keep him hostage until they somehow got to Altera. Add ended up telling her his plan to go there but keep her in the lab at all costs. She seemed to understand but her entire demeanor saddened at the news. She started to pay more attention to Shiro than she did to him. That cat was taking away all of her attention and for some strange reason, it kind of bothered him.

        In fact, Add was sitting on the far end of the couch with (y/n) using his lap as a pillow. The only problem was that Shiro was asleep in her arms. Elsword was in a corner on the floor still tied up and unharmed. Add didn't have anything to do today so he just sat their bored nearly to the point of insanity. His mind kept switching to several different topics that he couldn't really focus on. It was Elsword that snapped him from his thoughts and ended his boredom.

        "Hey, can you loosen these ropes? I think my wrist are starting to bleed," Elsword quietly requested. Add just stared at the boy who was still staring at the floor even after speaking. "I promise I won't try escaping. I don't think I can anyway, and you don't seem like you want to hurt me."

        Add thought about it for a moment. Elsword finally looked up at him. His eyes were dull and he looked so sad and lonely. It would be heartbreaking to others but Add didn't exactly care. If he had to keep Elsword there to keep (y/n) out of harm's way, then he would do it.

        Add carefully lifted (y/n)'s head from his lap and managed to stand up without waking her. His dynamos rose and circled him as he walked towards Elsword. Fear blossomed through the boy's eyes as the dynamos got closer to him. Add aimed and attack his target. The ropes around Elsword's wrist were now completely cut and the boy was free to move as he pleased. Elsword had his eyes closed as if waiting for something to hit him, but when he realized that he wasn't harmed, he looked up at Add who was frowning down at him.

        "You're right. You can't escape, so there's no real reason to have you tied down like that. I'm going to put you to some good use instead of having you sit here in the corner all day," Add said to him. Elsword was rubbing his wrists that were pink from the damage the ropes had done to them. They were indeed close to bleeding.

        "If you want me to help you research, then I can't do that. It's against the law and I refuse to switch to your side of evil," Elsword said. He scooted further into the corner when Add glared at him.

        "What's with you and everyone else calling me evil. Did it ever occur to you that killing innocent people is evil? You see her over there? She's innocent. Killing her would be a crime that only evildoers would commit. Now tell me, who's evil now?" Add growled. Elsword seemed to want to say something but couldn't find any words.

        "'s cold in here. Turn on the heater or something please," (y/n) muttered in her sleep. Whether she was aware of what she said or not, Add didn't know nor did he care. She was cold and he didn't like that. Add left Elsword in the corner with his dynamos staying near him to keep the red headed boy there.

        Add went to (y/n)'s room and found one of her blankets which he brought back with him and threw over her and Shiro. (Y/n) went back to sleeping soundlessly. Add sighed knowing that his seat on the couch was now gone so he decided to just sit on his dynamos which he brought back near him.

        "Why do you keep her around? Is it because you're still using her? My sister told me that we can't capture her yet because you're in the way all of the time," Elsword said. The boy seemed to feel more comfortable, but he wasn't being careful about what he said. He'd just pissed Add off and Add was about to let him know. He stood up from his dynamos and pulled Elsword up against the wall by his shirt. The glare he gave was truely menacing and Elsword was thoroughly frightened.

        "You listen and you listen well. I'm not using anyone, especially not her! Just because I research nasods doesn't mean I'm not like everyone else. Get that through your thick skull. And that sister of yours, she has issues. She only sees everything through the eyes of the law and never the exceptions to that law. You should start forming your own opinions about people," Add pretty much shouted. He let Elsword go and he fell to the ground still looking scared. Add didn't take any pity on Elsword especially since he'd said something like that to him.

        It wasn't just what Elsword said about (y/n) made him mad. It was the fact that Elsword brought up the topic of using people that made him mad. It was the simple fact that he had used someone before and got himself into the situation he was in now. Just thinking back on the situation frustrated him.

        "Hey...why are you shouting? I'm trying to sleep," (y/n) whinned. Shiro had woken up as well and was now headed towards Elsword. Add picked Shiro up to keep him from actually getting to the boy.

        "Don't worry about it. You can go back to sleep now," Add said to her.

        "I can't. You woke me up. It's not that easy to go back to sleep nowadays. What's he doing untied?" (y/n) said.

        Add glanced back at Elsword and then back at (y/n). "I was going to get him to run some errands for me. He hasn't seen sunlight in a while, so I figured he could use some," Add said with a shrug as he walked over to her and handed Shiro back.

        "You were going to let him roam freely around Elder knowing that he won't return? You know his sister is looking for us right? He could just find the El Search Party and tell them where we are. They're trying to kill us Add," (y/n) spokr. Her expression was full of doubt and worry and it was making Add sick seeing her worry about her own life like that.

        "Stop worrying. I can see through this kid like glass. He'll be back and the El Search Party is no problem. He'll know how to avoid them," Add said. (Y/n) looked a little less worried although she still didn't trust that Elsword would actually come back. Add turned around to face Elsword who was now looking at him with a slight gleam in his eyes. The boy was obviously younger than Add so it would be easy to convince him into running an errand.

        "Here's the deal. I send you to Elder to get some stuff, and you come back without leading anyone here. If you do that, I'll let you do whatever you want while you're here as long as it doesn't involve hurting anyone. I want you to understand that I'm not as bad as everyone says. If you don't come back, you'll simply just die within three days," Add said. Elsword looked at him in slight shock, confused by his last sentence. Add knew exactly what he was talking about though. He looked over to (y/n) and smirked.

        "(Y/n), can you bring me that latest invention of yours? I think we'll be needing it," Add said. She understiod very well what he was talking about.

        (Y/n) specialized in nanotech, so she had just recently created a special device that temporary disabled a nasod infrastructure using high electrical frequencies. It was meant for nasods, but if it it was used on a human, it would surely be fatal.

        The device was wirelessly controlled by a wristband timer. When the timer ended, it would activate. (Y/n) created it so that when they got to Altera, they would be able to sneak past any nasod guards.

        Add went over to Elsword, who of course didn't realize what was going on, and put the small circular device onto the back of the boy's neck. Elsword yelp and recoiled from Add and started to claw at the small device as it embedded its shark latches into his neck.

        "After a while, you won't even realize that it's there. If you do like you're asked, then you'll get more privileges and feel less like a prisoner," Add said as he watched Elsword attempt to pull out the small device. Tears stained the corners of Elsword's eyes. "(Y/n) is the only person able to take that off of you so I wouldn't suggest trying anything stupid."

        Elsword had stopped trying to pull the device out but he was still wincing in pain. "(Y/n), could you write down the things that we need?" Add asked her without turning her way. A few minutes later, a list was handed to him. "Alright, Elsword. Time for your first assignment."

As I was writing this chapter I was thinking 'hey you better not pass your word limit. Hurry up and get the idea across' so when I finished I was like 'that wasn't as much as I thought was' so yeah. Also Elsword is a Magic Knight but Add doesn't know that. Until next time everyone!

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