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Ahh! Labayla again. Atlanta thought to herself as she pulled up on the drive way. She caught a glimpse of a figure quickly move from the curtains upstairs. She chuckles as she thought of how this had become part of her mothers nature. Reminiscing she caught a memory of  the first time her mother peeked out from the curtains, many cars were passing by her house which had triggered Bella Crown's curiosity, little Atlanta ran to join her mother but had pulled the curtains too far apart "Atlanta no! Move, move away you're sending the light out now everyone will know someone's looking out their window and I'll be the first suspect. What will Lydia Forbes think of me. Ugh!" Ahh yes Lydia Forbes... The two women's rivalry and competition had dragged on for years, Atlanta was so happy when they moved to here when she started 10th grade. "Are you even listening to me?" Her mom asked obviously noticing her daughter had zoned out. "Uh...yeah I am.." Atlanta muttered obviously still not paying attention. Bella was used to this, actually everyone in this house was used to it because nobody paid attention to anybody for all long time of course. "Anywho, how is the stall you got at Bevon for your boutique looking?" She changed to something she hoped would pull a conversation "it's not a big space but I can move around it, take measurements, have one or two fitting rooms, have about two tailoring stations and a tiny's good so far" She answered. It was good to see her daughter smiling after all she had been through. Atlanta was always an outgoing stubborn soul her father had set two career paths for her and her brother, he wanted a doctor or lawyer "those are the only types of people I will harbour" she remembered him say and yet here she is as a designer and guess where she's living...right under his roof. Her train of thought was disturbed by a cold wet peck on her cheek. There was only one person who did that, well technically two but only one did it best Jason. "Mommy!" The five year old shouted tackling his mom in a bear hug. Atlanta held on to her son so tight and didn't want to let him go she was about to ask Jason about his day when she received another cold wet peck on the cheek. Knowing who it was and also just to spite him she wiped her cheek. Her brother smirked obviously aware of her attempt to reveal how much she disliked him. Of course it was all just an act, she loved her brother so much. Clark had defended her against their father and against Mas-...she shook the thought of her ex out. After dinner Atlanta went straight to bed, it would be hard to run a business but setting up for it was a lot of work considering she wasn't able to hire people to do that.


"Yes Mrs Watkins exactly that, I have managed to push your court dates to sooner than they were. Very soon I won't be referring to you by that last name" he joked chuckling as he kept fidgeting with his keys. He finally unlocked the door, he placed his jacket on the hanger the headed to his study "Yes tomorrow 8am sharp." He ended the call to Mrs Watkins his client who was currently undergoing a divorce and quite anxious to get back to being called Miss Parley again. The divorce of the super celebrity couple Paige and Talon Watkins was one major hot shot for journalists, Paige had announced that she was lucky to have Kings Corp take this up for her and even luckier that the CEO himself was handling the case. The statement had brought good publicity and good publicity did not bother Mr King one bit. Pouring himself a glass of single malt scotch he felt a bit unsettled... "How about you make that two for a friend" the voice announced its presence. Usher wished he could say it were a stranger but he was all too familiar with the voice and the piece of garbage that owned it. "Are you here to tell me where my life's aura is?" He asked not even bothered to look to the unpleasant guest. "Now why would I want to do that?" The vampire asked rhetorically releasing a small chuckle causing Usher to look his direction "Then why would I want to pour you a drink?" Usher said in monotone. He hated vampires, they were cunning little pricks if Ralf hadn't been carrying the knowledge of the whereabouts of his life's aura he was pretty sure he would have been long dead. Usher slowly and spitefully drew out his gun. "That won't kill me" Ralf chuckled taking Usher's glass and sipping the contents. "I thought of that and decided to replace the silver bullets with... I don't know wood? Don't mind if we test them right now, shall we?" Usher stated shaking the vampire up, within the split of a second Ralf was no more in sight. Usher thought of Ralf and his life's aura but brushed it off. Tomorrow was another day, meeting Paige, running the law firm and meeting the leaders of the different packs in the Omega clan.

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Please let me know through comments and please do share and vote. Oh also if you do read teen fiction check out my other book UNCHAINED RAGE and one vampire book with my friend Darkvixen23 CENTURIES WORTH DECADES .

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