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"Thank you very much for taking on my divorce case. I have signed over the full amount." Paige said offering a hand shake which Usher gladly accepted. "It's a pleasure Miss Parley, it was great doing business with you." Usher replied before walking off to his car "one last fun time before we part ways?" She smirked curling her hair on her slim finger. "Unfortunately, we have reached our end Paige. Good bye." Usher said exiting the halls. He had a long day in that court. Usher checked his watch and it read 1:20pm. He made his way to Classics and grabbed a seat at the table right at the left corner. "what can I get you sir?" the waitress asked "just coffee please...and tell Tina to pack my special would you" the waitress left after jotting down what he had said. He took out his ipad and logged into the NNC a news channel to keep himself busy for the few minutes he had to hang out here. "Hey!" said a vaguely familiar voice "Hey you, I'll go get your order" the waiter said. Usher listened as the footsteps seemed to be making their way over to him. "Hi" the female's voice said behind him causing him to turn to face her "Um...Hi, can I help you?" he questioned closely examining her once timid black eyes. Atlanta took a deep breath to calm herself "No- um actually..." he narrowed his brows "I just wanted to apologise about the other day. I really am sorry about spilling coffee on you. I-" she rambled on but he cut her off "It was my fault and I truly apologise for that ma'am." "You really didn't  have to buy me a replacement or the flowers" she started "I wanted to" Usher gave her a kind smile which she returned "Thank you" she said "234!" the waiter shouted. She turned her head towards the voice "That's me, enjoy your day" she walked off. "You too" Usher whispered as the girl lingered in his thoughts. He got his coffee and cake. Usher loved the comfortable atmosphere in Classics and of course the cake and coffee. He continued off reading his newspaper. CRASH BEFORE 4 YEARS! The articles headline read. News on the divorce he thought quickly scrolling up. It wasn't astonishing that the news spread so fast.


She let the laptop bag slide off her shoulder and on to the couch. "My Keys..." Bella said to Atlanta her hand held out to collect the car keys. "Where are you going?" Atlanta questioned her mother "Places... just kidding, I'm having lunch with my lovely son." she informed her smile ever so wide "Whatever just bring me some Chinese noodles" Atlanta said drawing out her laptop "Pick Jason up from school will you" Bella told her daughter who just nodded in acknowledgement before heading out. Atlanta skimmed through her business proposal for funding in exchange of twenty percent of her venture. She took a long while before sending her application to King Corporation. She got up and left the house heading down the neighbourhood to the main road to hail a taxi. Upon reaching her destination, she left the driver with R16 and made her way through the gates of St Gregory's Boys Pre & Preparatory School. The school was one of the best private schools around, unfortunately that hurt the pocket a lot even though she only paid 20% of the fees with the rest covered by Jason's father. She cringed at the thought of him, Jason's father. "Hi, Atlanta Crown. I'm here to pick up Jason Crown, 2nd grader." she informed the receptionist who within a minute had called Jason's teacher allowing him to leave the school's aftercare premises. She noticed a man she had never seen before but his expression called for her. After a short while the little Jason came running to his mother. "Hey bunny, wait for mommy here ok." Nodding the boy sat on the couch. Atlanta followed the young man to the ladies confused as to why and how he would enter the female restroom at such ease. "Who are you?" she asked him locking the main door behind her. "Brian... Brian Tulane." the young man answered. Stepping closer to him Atlanta could sense a void on the teen "What do you want?" she questioned again "Peace. I want peace, to find my way to the light. Please help me, I've been trying to get your attention for the past two weeks but you had turned a blind eye." Brian started "I'm sorry, I'm no longer a whisperer nor a reaper. I've left that all behind me" she hurried to tell him in hopes that he would understand. "Please..." he said looking hopeless. He wasn't pale form Atlanta could see him solid, it was just a myth of comfort to those who couldn't see or touch ghosts. The boy was probably seventeen years old. "what bothers you?" Atlanta asked him, finally deciding on motherly instincts to help him.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2019 ⏰

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