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Atlanta walked down the green path. The forest had tall trees and wild bushes, it was mostly covered in leaves with only a few spots where the ground was visible. It was enchanting just then a very handsome man with dark hair and pale blue eyes appeared before her. She was startled a bit by this sudden encounter "oh you scared me there Mr" she laughed a bit shaking the fear off "You're very far off the road my lady, you shouldn't ever wonder off to the wood alone it's dangerous" the man said. The way he spoke amused her there was something strange yet amusing about the guy how he spoke in a formal tone long forgotten yet dressed as an everyday guy with his messy hair. "It's just harmless trees Mr and don't worry I was just heading to the gates of that wall there to see what's on the other side then I'll be off." She assured the gentleman "it is built of iron, bricks and steel and not glass because no one's meant to see what's on the other side and same for it" he said his face showing concern as he warned the girl before him. Atlanta begun to feel the fear and danger lurking the grounds of the forest and beyond the great wall. Within the flash she was in the arms of the man and back on the road he let go of her tiny frame "Please, do not dare come back to the forest" he warned. The man had disappeared when a dark coated wolf flashed in front of her landing her on the ground. Atlanta pulled her body up from bed as she breathed heavily and sweat sat on the bridge of her nose like dew on a leaf very early on a winter morning. Calm down it was all just a dream she thought to herself "the most weirdest dream ever. Super speeding Handsome guy, a wolf the height of a five year old, a forest...we don't even have a forest anywhere near not to mention the wall, pshh a wall in the forest, Wow!" She muttered as she made her way down the stairs to the kitchen to get a glass of water. The clock had struck 3:30am, she had no sleep left in her so she decided to draw her strange dream. "Wow and when did you wake up to do this?" Clark asked standing right behind her amused by the portrait of an ancient looking forest which had a great wall far down it. "Three thirty" she said placing the paint brush in a can filled with grey water. "Well it's five thirty and if you hurry I might be able to give you a lift" he looked to his sister who instantly got up to get ready. He looking at the portrait and scanning every detail on it then spotted a figure of a man who stood far off near the wall "who are you?" He muttered the question to himself. Deep in thought Mr Crown didn't notice his sister back in the kitchen and all ready. "Clark it's six thirty let's head out" Atlanta caught her brothers attention this time he had a quizzical look on his face "who's that?" He asked pointing at the very tiny figure in her painting, she shrugged finally noticing she had drawn the stranger that had warned her of the forest. The two headed out and Clark dropped off Atlanta at the mall before heading to his work place. 7am she thought looking at her watch, the streets of Bevon were quite busy and business always started early. She made way to Classics and ordered coffee, she fidgeted through her purse and put together fifteen rands to pay for her coffee. It was just as she made a rush turn that she collided with the man in front of her sending her coffee spilling all over his white shirt, the man winced at the sudden stinging pain from the hot coffee "I am so sorry, I'm really sorry" she frantically apologized quickly grabbing a towel to absorb the liquid on the shirt. The man gently held her hands in his, she looked at this stranger his looks strongly attractive his strong jawline and captivating dark hazel eyes "it's OK ma'am I was in quite the rush and not paying attention to where I was going. I owe you the apology" he spoke his voice compelled her numbing her brain she couldn't utter a word. She shook her self out of it only managing to pull a smile and her hands out of his, she rushed out of the shop racing to her boutique. Usher watched the young lady rush out of the shop and in next door at the Clique Boutique. He would have liked to buy her another cup of coffee since the incident was his own fault. He was amused by the woman's behavior, never in his life had he encountered a timid girl like this one. He knew he had a numbing effect on women but she seemed- "Mr King.." He looked at Tina who wore a questioning expression and he replied with the same "would you like cream on the espresso?" She repeated "Uh no just plain black" he said looking back at the boutique. He paid for his espresso then made his way out. Atlanta sat at the reception desk and watched the man she had spilled coffee on exit the delights shop and walk out the Mall's doors holding an espresso cup in one hand and dragging a briefcase behind him with the other. She sighed thinking of how she had practically ran away from the guy "way to go Lanta" she muttered to her self moving from the desk to her sewing station. Just then a gorgeous girl about her age walked in. Atlanta looked at the girl. "Ahh! There she is!" The lady said confusing Atlanta "Really Atlanta... It's me, Lois." Atlanta couldn't believe it she looked so different now "wow! And what happened to the freckles?" Atlanta teased her best friend whom she had lost contact with after senior year as she got an internship at Kings Corp as a CA and studied for her BA in Accounts. And now here she is back and just a few meters away from her. She tackled her into a hug "got rid of them" she heard Lois say "when did you get back?" "A week ago" Lois answered. The two spent the day out down the road in a book shop. After parting ways Atlanta headed back to the boutique. Wendy was about to lock up and leave when she walked in she went to the back to grab her bags and check the fabric stock. When she walked out she found a bunch of flowers one of each species of flowers, orchids, red and white roses, a Lily and others she did not know of, they held a card and next to them was a fresh hot cup of coffee with a sticky paper written 'I'm sorry!' "What is this?" Atlanta whispered astonished by all the flowers and coffee. She never had a fight with anyone today or maybe it was Lois's apology for keeping her out of work for the whole day today. She picked up the flowers and picked the card out to read it 'My apologies for spilling your coffee, I hope these make up for it.' -U.K She smiled thinking back at the stranger from Classics grabbing the flowers and coffee and heading out to catch a cab. UK... she kept on trying  to make sense of the initials but failed dismally.


His lips locked with hers as their  tongues battled for dominance. Her shirt was riding up and down with every movement of his hands as they desperately carrassed her skin. A moan slipped off her lips as his came into contact with her colar bone. He stopped his eyes made contact with hers. They were cold,they held the expression of lust. He dared not blink surveying her face. "Shh..." he brought his finger up to her lips "we haven't gotten to the good part of this yet" he said. He kissed her belly tracing down to her belly button. She jerked her hips in response causing a smirk to find its way on his face. Unfortunately Mr King got bored quite easily. What he needed right now wasn't a submissive woman, it was a woman to submit to. "Hey Vicky, times up." he told her "It's  Molly" she groaned frustrated by a supressed feelling that had been aroused in her and needed to be released "but we haven't gotten to the good part yet" she whined tracing jer finger up and down the mucles on his arm. Usher slowly leaned in his breath brushing againt her ear as he pulled her to his chest "I think I've  gotten to the good part so many times before it just doesn't excite me anymore." he whispered in her ear before pulling a smirk and buttoning  his shirt. He threw her her clothes "come on Mol unlike you some of us don't have all day" he said leading her out the door. "Fine" she groaned as she got pushed out the door and handed R500 for a cab well... goes further than paying for a cab. He shut the door behind her. Just then his phone rang Lois he read "Hey baby" "Hey hun, are you home?" her voice echoed from the other end of the line "Um...yeah...why?" his eyebrows narrowed "You're going to have the time of your life. " "Um... time-Lois what do yo-" he didn't finish his sentence as he realised she had hung up. Now that he wasnt doing anything he had some time to think about it all, the clans, the consequences of killing, his life's auror, the girl he met at Classics... the girl. He didn't know why or how she ended up in his train of thought but there was something intriguing about her. Her timid self infact interested him but this bothered him. Why her? he was into bold women people like Paige or Lois, her, she was something  he was yet to figure out... if he'd ever meet her again.


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