Dare 11

101 1 1

Madam: Dangit Mad! Because of your stunt yesterday, I didn't remember to do my notification! Whatever. In the comments I need you to pick something. Who's better, 




Madam: Now, Onto The Dares! SSSEEEENNNNPPPIIII says

SENPI: -_- I'm done with this- 

Ice: uh h-hallo. Uh s-sorry, S-Smoke wanted me to as-sk one of my q-qest-tions. U-um, if you c-cou-ld go an-anywhere in the w-world, whe-ere wou-ould it be?

Madam: And than MaskynTobyproxies says

Gemini: Hi Madam! How Is Everyone?!? Be Safe, Goodie Bye-Bye!!!

Madam: Ok. GUYS C'MERE!

Anti: On Ceiling Coughs* Hi

Jack: Walks in* Top Of The Morning!

Madam: It's 6:03 in the afternoon

Jack: Shut Up!

Mark: Walks in* Hello, Everybody.

Dark: Teleport* What?

Madam: First off, how is everyone?

Dark: Annoyed but ok.

Mark: Fine

Jack: Fookin peachy!

Anti: Sniffles & Sneezes* I'm Sick!

Madam: That sucks. Now, if you were to go anywhere where would it be?

Mark: Somewhere fun!

Jack: Somewhere we could get fookin drunk!

Dark: Hell.

Anti: Don't you, like, run hell?

Madam: He runs a minor version. Mad's Uncle owns a planet called Helliosa.

Dark: Helliosa?

Madam: It's far away. I'll take you sometimes, maybe. Anti, what about you?

Anti: Somewhere with Dark

Madam: Ugh. Feelings! Oh! And Don't Forget! Put In The Comments, 1 for Dark and Mark, and 2 for Jack and Anti. That's all, so Au Revoir!

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