✩relationship preference✩

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a/n: wowie its another pregame au

shuichi saihara was signing up for the 53rd season of danganronpa.

it was always his dream to be apart of his favorite show, and now thanks to the 53rd season it would come true, however there was always the paperwork.

there were many things to fill out on the paper, for example, your name, blood type, chest size, height, and even more.
however one caught his eye.
there in fine ink print were the words
'relationship preference:'

...relationship preference?
i mean, i guess it could build potential ships like naegiri.
might as well fill it out.

i wrote down what relationship preference i would have for my character.

'relationship preference: i guess i would like to have a not so seen relationship but there enough for the viewers to catch on. they would be the mysterious cheerful type who had many secrets, that even i, a detective couldn't figure out.'
kokichi oma used to absolutely hate danganronpa.
it disgusted him, until his friend, rantaro amami introduced him. he was then absolutely infatuated with the show. last season rantaro signed up, surviving, thankfully. rantaro was also signing up this season, and kokichi thought; hey why not sign up as well. so here he is, at team danganronpa studio.

the blue haired girl, who called herself tsumugi shirogane came back from the room behind him and sat down.
"ah, sorry for the wait another person was also signing up." she apologized
"it's alright" i said back

"okay so, here is all the stuff you need to fill out! happy killing" she waved as she left the room.
huh, well that was quick.

i looked at my paper and thought 'geez, there is a lot of stuff to fill out, but heck i'm dedicated'
i began filling out my name, height, weight, blood type, likes and dislikes and more.
after that the second last question, well, more like preference was: 'relationship preference:'

relationship preference for an ultimate supreme leader? i mean, alright. i can think of a few things that could work. and so i began filling my preference.

after a few minutes i smiled proudly looking at my sheet. nee-heehee! these could definitely work for a supreme leader such as myself!

'relationship preference: i would like someone i could easily be able to pick on and they would get all flustered! though i don't want it to be obvious, i would realllllyyy like some hints here and there so the fangirls go wild!! oh, oh! since I'm a liar, i could say like "oh i hate you" but it would actually be a lie like the despair disease komaeda had in super danganronpa 2!!'

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