Wishing For Sunlight

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There are words I never said,
Phrases I am still to scared to admit
Thoughts I'll never share aloud.
Some days these words drown me in my fears.

You smile like you're never broken,
You laugh like it's nothing new,
Some days I'm afraid that I'll lose you.
I hope you don't leave me.
I don't want you to go too.

(I wish for you not to worry so much,
I hope you learn to manage the stress.
I'm sorry for making you uncomfortable sometimes,
But also, thanks for being such a blessing to me.)

You're incredibly beautiful and intelligent,
Your childish yet mature nature is endearing.
You're my daily inspiration
I couldn't ask for a better friend,
I couldn't ask for a better you.

You're my daily inspiration.

I love your smile. You've been such a great friend.

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