Frozen In Time

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There are words I never said,
Phrases I am still to scared to admit
Thoughts I'll never share aloud.
Some days these words drown me in my fears.

I don't want to be the cause of your disappointment.
I don't want to let you don't.
I don't want to hold you back.
But I don't want to lose you.

There's always a constant ticking.
Time is running out.
I'm gonna lose you.
You're falling away.
Go, just go.

I'm sorry.
I wish time was frozen.
You were a great person.
You were the life of the party.
You left my life too quickly.

But I'll remember the days when it felt like we were frozen in time.
I'll remember that hint of life that shone through your dark eyes.
I'll miss you, my friend.
I'm sorry if I let you down.

You were the life of the party.

"Love until you've lost the meaning" -Isa. T.
09-17-2000 — 12-07-2014

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