apple white

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Daughter of Snow White

May 13

Star sign

Powerful qualities
Inspiring, hard working, dedicated

Favourite food
Anything with apples

There's a lot of pressure when you're next in line to be the fairest of them all

Parents story
Snow White and the seven dwarfs

Raven queen

Secret hearts desire
I want people to know me as the fairest of all on the inside as well as the outside. Like my mom always says my beauty's not just skin deep

My magic touch
Whenever I bat my eyes or sing a song boys and animals can't help but come to my rescue. What can I say?. I want to bring out the hero in everyone.

Storybook romance status
Everyone at school thinks Prince daring Charming and I are dating just because my story ends with us getting married doesn't mean we're an item okay?.

Oh cursed moment
I really can't resist apples. I royally lose control when I see one. Yummy.

Favourite subject
Kingdom management. Everyone is counting on me to be the best queen ever!.

Least favourite subject
Cooking class -ic! I swear someone keeps trying to slip poison into my food.

Best friends forever after
Briar beauty and Blondie Locke's.

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